Chapter 24

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The arachnid horse named Sheba did not like me.

Once Umaya finished her interview from hell which consisted of eight stupid questions (that did not need the death threat. )

She told me what I needed to know and let me out of her hut or whatever it was called. She was all smiles as she raised my hand up as if I had won a competition or something.

"All hail the new Queen." She said and the people repeated after her (Even though some of them looked like they'd rather cut out their own tongues).

Umaya was kinda hairbrained. She asked me stupid questions and gave me a stupid gift (Stupid for her, not for me) . A gift I would use at the right time and the right place.

I was tempted to use my gift right now itself as I stared into the four eyes looking back at me. The abomination huffed every time I tried to climb up and moved away almost causing me to fall.

"Listen here, Spider-Horse, you move away one more time and I'll make Nikolai feed you your own shit for a week, you understand me?"

The horse chuffed and neighed. I narrowed my eyes. Was it challenging me? The horse stared right back.

"Your challenging me, you four eyed compost machine! You want to see the wrath of Lunia Grey? Come one!" And I took my boxing stance and gave the horse one punch straight into its hard ass jaw. The horse screamed as it fell. And it died in a heap. The people clapped for me and cheered me.

"The Queen has rescued us from the abomination!"

"The Queen is our hero!"

"All hail the Queen!" And they repeated the cheer with awe. The people all had joyous expressions and raised their hands to throw flowers at me.

Umaya fell at my feet, "Oh, our dear Queen, I'm so sorry I threatened you. You are the almighty ruler!" And she kissed my toes.

Nikolai suddenly appeared at my side and kissed my neck. "I love you, Lunia Grey." He looked dead serious and stared right into my eyes. I could see the love and devotion there and suddenly I came back to my senses.

"My lady?" The soldier who found us asked as he held the horse in place.

I blinked. Was that a vision? The former part was good. But the latter? Nikolai loving me? No. No. It couldn't happen. It was just something my brain had conjured up to battle the loneliness inside me.

I took a deep breath and finally climbed up the saddle and took the reins in my hand. As a child of the King, I had been thought how to ride a horse, I had never really payed attention in my haste to ride on my own and I learnt the best of my own, without the restrictions of my trainer.

Horseriding was one of my favourite things.

But I wasn't so sure of myself after all those years of living in dungeonville. And it also depended on the type of horse I was saddled with.

Sheba the Spider-Horse did not like me and was bound to embarrass me in some way or the other.

"C'mon, girl, be good." The soldier said and patted her flank. Manure Machine neighed and shook her head getting ready to bolt. I felt it in her posture before she started.

The guard did not have the time to shout "No!" and only managed to widen his eyes in realization as the abomination took of with me on its back.

I must've screamed as the scenary flew by me, by some miracle I managed to hold on. A fly or two went down my throat causing me to cough, when I opened my eyes again, I was too late to duck under the branch and hit my nose, causing my face to throb. Overall,  I was not seated well, causing my arse to hit the saddle as the creature ran.

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