Chapter 29

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Lady Yula sat on the ground beside the bed. The room was the most cleanest place she had ever been at and the most comfortable. But it was not home.

This was enemy grounds. The people her were not her own. She did not feel safe. And the unease had just increase since she'd seen the King leave the castle with the Miorisi and the Elder species in the cage.

She did approve of the treatment of the Elder female but she had no say in Demon politics. She could only play silent observer with an occasional remark but her remarks would be paid Def ears.

Nikolai Shizkov was a stubborn man. He would do anything he could to get what he wanted. But he was not evil. She did not sense any particularly dangerous evil aura from him. He did have a dangerous aura but it was not evil.

His wife was a whole different story. She was Lunia Vel Miorisi. The Centaurs had forever followed and worshipped the elves, the shining folk. And for them to deem one of their own a misfit? It meant that she truly was unacceptable.

Yula, ever the traditional one did not want the wrath of the elves upon the centaurs. She would never accept the alliance with Nikolai Shizkov with the Misfit by his side.

Her baby on the bed cooed. She stood up and bent to pick up her child.

Technically, it was a faun, or satyr. Found in the forest, sleeping peacefully under a tree, her baby Yule, was a blessing to her. She named him after herself. She cared for him like her own. She loved him like her own and took him every where she went. She did not trust anyone with her precious Yule.

The door to her room opened. A maid came in.

"Here is what you ordered for, Lady Yula. " The stoic face demon girl said, putting the covered tray down and left the room.

Yula walked towards the table and lifted the cover to reveal a bowl of milk which she specially ordered. She sniffed it and tasted some. Satisfied with the taste of it, she put it to her baby's tiny lips and cooed to him as he drank the milk.

After that she put him on her shoulder and rubbed his back.

Suddenly, she went into a coughing fit.

Her baby followed her soon enough. She felt wetness on her back, she felt wetness on her hand, the hand she covered her mouth with.

It came back red with blood.

Her eyes went to the empty bowl, at the end of the bowl was a black leaf. "No." She cried out and cradled her coughing baby.

His lips were red with blood, it spread over his chin... Over his soft cotton tunic. She lost consciousness as she watched her baby die....


I came back to my conscious mind with a start.

Nikolai was riding on his own degnite, beside me. I coughed abruptly, remembering the taste of blood.

Oh gods, a vision, about Lady Yula's death, I had to go back. I have to save her.

And the baby!

The satyr baby! Poison in the milk. I stopped my degnite. Sheba, bless her arachnid soul, thankfully stopped.

"What's wrong?" Nikolai asked, looking over in worry. He had not spoken since my little speech. All the soldiers in the clearing had hear it. Nikolai looked deep in though but was still worried about me.

I melted a little but then I remembered my current problem. We had just started riding at a slow pace and had not come very far. I still had time, thank god.

The Demon King (Otherworld Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now