Chapter 37

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We're nearing the end. Two or Three chapters more.


We left the mansion of the dragons at eleven o'clock. The time I spent made me understand that Terahar had no sense of humour and Runeria and I were like sisters.

We walked hand in hand, bridal style through the woods. The path below our feet was cream coloured. As was the mansion it led to. It was two storey and lush, with a beautifully maintained garden and homey lights decorating it.

"What are the lights for?" 

"We decorate our houses in lights to show that the darkness of the Prince doesn't affect us nor scare us. "

"Isn't that like sending out a beacon for him to put you in your right place? "

"No." She chuckled. "The Prince and his cronies are all lazy people. They would never attempt to attack us. It is why a resistance was able to grow within his reign. If it was his father who still ruled, he would have broken down the resistance in a day."

"Then why do you fear him?" I raised a valid point.

"I said he's lazy, not weak. He's very powerful. The people who dissatisfy him are never seen again. Some say that he traps them in darkness and sends them to the dungeons. And some say he devours those people. He does have a fetish of eating humans. "

"It's the reason why, Runeria had to shade the island with a magical rune that sends all humans automatically towards the Fey islands. All the magick dragons help. " Terahar said from behind.

"Does he know about this magical rune?"

"No. I am very powerful. My runes are shrouded in a veil so strong that sometimes even I find it difficult to find them."

"Oh." I smiled. "So that's what you did to me? In the morning?"

"Yes, I shrouded you in a veil so that only Terahar and I can see you."

"Right now, I can't see you. But I can hear." Terahar supplied.

"So you can't see me do this?" I grinned and poked my tongue out at him. Runeria laughed, I joined in.

Terahar only huffed and ignored our laughter. We walked in silence and after a few steps reached a dock where a lone simple boat stood waiting for us.

"I've enchanted it to reach you wherever you want. You just have to say the name of the place."

"I was expecting something more...."

"Did you expect a royal send off? I'm so sorry but some of us actually care about your safety, you know?" Terahar snapped.

"Aww. You care for me, Terahar? I'm so touched." I said, sniffling with fake emotion.

Runeria snickered and we both again started laughing. Terahar grunted and turned back into the forest.

Runeria took my hands into hers. "When this war is over, then we'll be the best of friends, you just see."

"When it is over. It hasn't even begun yet."

"There is time for it to begin. Our scribes say three years. "

I smiled. "In your time or mine?"

"Yours. I think. Our time is different. Difficult. Years pass by and we don't know. It's hard to live a life so long. Some of us just lose the will to live. "

"Like Xemetus."

She nodded. "He died for love, Lunia. You must keep this in mind. People do many things for love. Love for their mates, love for their children, Love for their...Kingdoms. And this love is sometimes a cause for others to manipulate them. You must remember. " The boat pushed off.

The Demon King (Otherworld Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now