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"Oh my god! Hyungwon are you okay," Wonho came in the room where Hyungwon and Minhyuk were sleeping. He barged into the room, only waking Minhyuk.

"What the hell?" Minhyuk asked scratching his head. Hyungwon didn't move.

"Is Hyungwon okay?" Wonho asked Minhyuk. He looked down at Hyungwon who was super peaceful.

"Yeah, I think so," Minhyuk said. Wonho went over to the bunk bed across the room. He climb to the top bed and laid down.

"You know," Wonho began to say. "Hyungwon wasn't really doing well before."

Minhyuk turned his head to look toward Wonho.

"He kept getting beat up by people and wouldn't tell us who, we all kind of gave up trying to find out who it was. He'd come back from his walks usually, limping and he'd make up excuses a lot, like he feel, or something. He stopped smiling often and usually would be by himself picking purple flowers. Until you came, now he seems different. I can tell," Wonho explained.

Minhyuk thought about these words for awhile. It was around 7:00 pm. He probably should go back to his own room, but Hyungwon was laying on his chest. He decided to stay. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

"Hyukie, why did you do that?" Hyungwon asked. They left the park and they were at Hyungwon's house, his dad wasn't home.

"I-I don't know," Minhyuk said. Minhyuk was scared. He didn't know what Suho would do. Suho's words replayed over, and over again in Minhyuk's head. Hyungwon noticed Minhyuk was distressed and wrapped his arms around the other, resting his head on Minhyuk's shoulder. Minhyuk looked down at him.

"It's okay," Hyungwon told him. Suddenly, they heard the front door open. Hyugwon let go of Minhyuk quickly. "My dad's home, quick go out the window," Hyungwon said, about to freak out. Minhyuk ran to the window and opened it, he looked back at Hyungwon. He quickly went over to Hyungwon, and gave him a kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay," Minhyuk said with a smile. Hyugwon nodded and motioned Minhyuk to leave quickly.

Hyungwon woke up suddenly. It was the middle of the night. He started breathing heavily. He sat up trying to catch his breath. Minhyuk woke up from Hyungwon's movement. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Hyungwon, what's wrong?" Minhyuk asked.

"I need medicine," Hyungwon said, starting to get a little shaky.

"Where is it?" Minhyuk asked.

"J-J-Jooheon," Hyungwon said. Minhyuk noticed Hyungwon really wasn't okay. Minhyuk got out of bed, and had Hyungwon get on his back. They left the room to Jooheon's office. Not knowing he was awake, Minhyuk opened Jooheon's office without knocking. To Minhyuk's surprise, Jooheon was sitting at his desk, watching some 'interesting' videos on his lap top. Minhyuk and Jooheon's eyes met. Jooheon quickly closed his lap top and cleared his throat.

"Yes?" Jooheon asked. Minhyuk gave Jooheon a disgusted look, but then remembered why he came in.

"Hyungwon needs his medicine," Minhyuk said. Jooheon looked at Hyungwon who was on Minhyuk's back.

"Oh, shit," Jooheon said, opening a drawer in his desk. He pulled out a pill bottle, full of blue pills. He went over to Minhyuk and Hyungwon. Hyungwon was on the verge of passing out. Jooheon tried to give Hyungwon the pill, but he wouldn't take it. "Put him on the chair," Jooheon said.

Minhyuk put Hyungwon down on the chair. Jooheon then opened a mini fridge that was in his office. He pulled out a small bottle of a blue liquid. He opened the bottle and put a straw in it. He brought it over to Hyungwon and put it in front of Hyungwon's mouth. Hyungwon opened his mouth a started to drink the blue liquid until it was gone. Hyungwon started to feel better.

"What was that?" Minhyuk asked Jooheon. Jooheon sighed.

"The drug."

Me: Are you okay?

Me: Hyungwon?

Me: Please just tell me your okay

Baby Hyungwon💖: I'm fine

Me: Oh, thank god. What happened?

Baby Hyungwon💖: Nothing

Me: Don't lie to me

Baby Hyungwon💖: It's not that bad, don't be mad

Me: What happened?

Baby Hyungwon💖: He just hit me a little that's all

Me: I'm taking you to my house

Baby Hyungwon💖: No don't I'm okay.

Me: I'm already outside

Hyungwon came to the window to see Minhyuk standing there. Hyungwon opened the window, avoiding to make eye contact with Minhyuk. Minhyuk could see the bruises on Hyungwon's face.

"Your not fine," Minhyuk said. He held out his hand to Hyungwon. "Let's go."

Hyungwon looked up at Minhyuk. He hesitated for a minute, before taking Minhyuk's hand and climbing out the window.

Minhyuk took Hyungwon back to his room, who immediately went back to sleep. Minhyuk was still thinking about what Jooheon had said to him.

"He use to be a test subject," Jooheon said. "We tried out our drug on him first. It didn't have much effect on his power level, but he became addicted. Me and Dr.Kim tried to get him off it, but any withdrawal from the drug caused him great deals of pain and agony. He ounce went into a coma for a week, and we can't risk it again."

Minhyuk was laying down with Hyungwon once again. He didn't want to go back to his own room, he was worried about Hyungwon. His hand's wrapped around Hyungwon's waist. He closed his eye's and fell asleep, holding onto Hyungwon tightly.


Minhyuk woke up. The sun shinning in his eyes. He saw Hyungwon sleeping beside him. He smiled at the sight of the cute boy. Minhyuk was disturbed by a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Shownu, standing in front of him.

"Jooheon needs you," Shownu said. Minhyuk got out of bed and stretched a little, before walking down the hall to Jooheon's office. He remembered last night and decided to knock this time.

"Come in," Jooheon said from inside. Minhyuk opened the door and went inside. He sat in his usual spot and waited for Jooheon to talk.

"We have information on Kai," Jooheon said. Minhyuk's eyes lit up.

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