Can't Live Without You

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"What are you doing?" Minhyuk asked. Hyungwon looked up to see Minhyuk in the doorway.

"Thinking," Hyungwon said.

"About what?" Minhyuk asked walking over to Hyungwon's bed.

"The past," Hyungwon said. Minhyuk sat at the end of the bed.

"Our past?" Minhyuk asked. Hyungwon looked at Minhyuk.

"I was thinking about," Hyungwon stopped.

"About what?" Minhyuk asked. Hyungwon sat up.

"Hyukie, please don't ever leave me," Hyungwon said. He was on the verge of crying.

"I already promised, I wouldn't leave you," Minhyuk said, holding onto Hyungwon's hand.

"No, don't leave my side ever, don't go on any missions unless I come with you, don't go any where without me, I can't keep worrying about losing you again," Hyungwon said, tears flowed down his cheeks. Minhyuk pulled Hyungwon into his arms.

"Okay. It's okay. I won't leave you alone any more," Minhyuk said. He held onto Hyungwon tightly. Hyungwon got out of his embrace and looked him in the eyes. Time was frozen. It froze when ever they looked into each other's eyes.

Hyungwon leaned into Minhyuk. Slowly their lips got closer together. Minhyuk held the bottom of Hyungwon's chin, and smiled. Hyungwon smiled back.

"What?" Hyungwon questioned.

"Nothing, I just realized how beautiful you are," Minhyuk said. Hyungwon blushed.

"I'm not," Hyungwon said with embarrassment.

"Yes you are, my baby boy is always beautiful," Minhyuk said, giving Hyungwon a small kiss on the lips. They both smiled at each other again. They were happy together and nothing could happen. Hyungwon pulled Minhyuk into him, for another kiss. His fingers ran through Minhyuk's hair, as their tongues were in constant battle.

Hyungwon leaned back on the bed, making Minhyuk get on top of him. Minhyuk's lips trailed down to Hyungwon's neck, giving the boy small love bites. Hyungwon let out small moans of pleasure.

Hyungwon was sitting on the dock of the lake. He looked at the still water. The sun was getting ready to set. Hyungwon was holding a purple flower in his hands.

"Hey, Hyungwon," a voice said. Hyungwon didn't bother to turn around. He continued to stare at the water. He was lost. Lost in thought. Lost in life. Soon he was pulled to look at the owner of the voice. It was Suho. "Hey, bitch, I was talking to you," Suho yelled in Hyungwon's face. Hyungwon did nothing.

He was suddenly, being dragged off the dock and on to the grass covered ground. He laid there helplessly. Suho kicked Hyungwon in the stomach, causing him to flinch a little with pain.

"What's wrong with you today?" Suho asked Hyungwon. He didn't answer. Suho got annoyed and kicked Hyungwon again. Hyungwon tried to hold back tears, but one ended up escaping. Suho sighed, and got on top of Hyungwon, pinning both his hands to the ground.

"You know," Suho began. "You really piss me off." With that Suho started to punch Hyungwon repeatedly in the face.

'Since we're not together, happiness doesn't live here anymore'

"Hyukie...." Hyungwon mumbled under the kiss. He pushed the obsessed Minhyuk away from him. Minhyuk looked Hyungwon in the eyes.

"What?" Minhyuk asked with a tilt of his head.

"Can we just cuddle for now," Hyungwon told him. Minhyuk pouted.

"But my baby is so delicious," Minhyuk said.

Never Let Go: minwon/hyunghyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now