Before: part 2

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They had finally gotten back to Hyungwon's house, where they were completely alone together. Minhyuk went to the kitchen and poured milk into Hyungwon's new pink sippy cup that he adored so much. Minhyuk brought the cookies and milk to Hyungwon who was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed watching cartoons and sucking on a pacifier.

"Here are your cookies," Minhyuk said, setting them on the table in front of Hyungwon.

Hyungwon's eyes lit up. He took out his pacifier and handed it to Minhyuk who took it without question. Hyungwon began to eat his cookies happily and drink his milk.

When he was done he felt sleepy again. He rested his head onto Minhyuk's lap. Minhyuk looked down at Hyungwon who's eyes were closed. He smiled, trying to forget the fact that he had to leave him soon.

Minhyuk slicked back Hyungwon's hair, causing Hyungwon to open his eyes and look up into Minhyuk's.

"Can we stay like this forever?" Hyungwon asked.

"Of course we can," Minhyuk said. He wanted Hyungwon to be happy, even though he was lying. They really couldn't stay like this forever. 

Hyungwon smiled and closed his eyes again, as Minhyuk caressed Hyungwon's head. Minhyuk just wanted to protect Hyungwon as best he could. Hyungwon eventually fell asleep. Minhyuk sighed and smiled a bit. He knew Hyungwon would fall asleep again, he is usually always tired. 

Minhyuk took Hyungwon in his arms carefully picking him up. Minhyuk carried him up to his room and laid him down on the bed. He covered Hyungwon with a blanket and kissed his forehead. He had to go do something so he decided to leave Hyungwon while he slept. 


An hour later Hyungwon woke up. He was expecting to see Minhyuk by his side, but he didn't. He immediately got up and looked for him in another room, but Minhyuk was nowhere to be found. He started to become confused and worried about Minhyuk. He decided to pull out his phone. 

Me: Hyukie!!! Where did you go? 

Me: HYUKIE!!!!

Me: Please answer me

Me: I'm worried about you 



Hyungwon was done trying to wait for Minhyuk, so he decided to go out and look for him. He put on his shoes and headed out in the direction of Minhyuk's house. 


"Why can't I just stay here alone?" Minhyuk asked his mother. 

"Minhyuk, you are way too young to be on your own," his mother responded while wrapping glasses in news paper and placing them in a large box. 

"No I'm not," Minhyuk told her. 

"Why do you even want to stay so bad anyway?" His mother asked. Minhyuk stopped for a minute. 

"Because," Minhyuk pause and looked at the ground. "I'm in love." 

His mom stopped what she was doing and stared at her son with disbelief. 

"You're in love?" 

"Yeah," Minhyuk said with a little smile at the thought of Hyungwon. 

"Well, why didn't you say so, who is she?" his mom asked now smiling too. Minhyuk's smile dropped. 

"It's not a girl mom," Minhyuk said. His mom's smile faded. 

Never Let Go: minwon/hyunghyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now