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"Minhyuk how do you feel?" Jooheon asked. They had just came back to headquarters and Minhyuk had been quiet the whole ride. Minhyuk looked up at Jooheon.

"I feel okay," Minhyuk said. "A little tired though."

"I'll make a note of that," Jooheon said. He got out of the car and so did the others.

Minhyuk rushed to Hyungwon's room. When he got there, Wonho was there but not Hungwon.

"Where's Hyungwon?" Minhyuk asked Wonho eagerly. Wonho looked at Minhyuk.

"Bathroom," Wonho said. Minhyuk sighed and sat down on Hyungwon's bed. "How was the mission?" Wonho asked.

"Interesting," Minhyuk said. Jooheon suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Wonho, the drug worked," Jooheon said with a smile.

"Really?" Wonho said with a surprise.

"Yeah, and you were right, we were missing that key component," Jooehon told him. "I'm going to tell Dr.Kim about our findings, do you want to come?"

"Yeah sure, I mean it is my drug," Wonho said and left the room with Jooheon leaving Minhyuk alone. MInhyuk was getting a little worried about Hyungwon, but then he came in the room.

"Hyukie..." Hyungwon mumbled. Minhyuk looked up at Hyungwon and smiled.

"Hi, cutie," Minhyuk said. Hyungwon started to blush and got a little flustered. He stumbled to the bed with his crutch, his leg still in pain from the injury. He sat down next to Minhyuk. He pouted a bit. "Aww, what's wrong?" Minhyuk asked.

"You left me," Hyungwon said crossing his arms.

"We're you worried about me?" MInhyuk asked, still smiling.

"Yes," Hyungwon said still pouting. Minhyuk gave Hyungwon a hug.

"It's okay, I'm okay, we're okay," Minhyuk said. Finally Hyungwon relaxed, and let out a sigh.

"I was just scared, I'd lose you again," Hyungwon said. Minhyuk let go of Hyungwon and looked into his eyes.

"Hey, look," Minhyuk said. "I'll promise you something, I'll never leave you again, and I'll always be here when you need me." Minhyuk put out his pinky. Hyungwon looked at it for a while, and then looked back at Minhyuk's smiling face.

"Promise?" Hyungwon asked with puppy eyes.

"Promise," Minhyuk said, and with that they hooked pinkies, making their promise official. Minhyuk and Hyungwon stared into each others eyes again. They lost themselves in each other. Time froze. Minhyuk placed his hand on Hyungwon's cheek, inching nearer and nearer to his plum lips. Hyungwon let it happen. He wanted Minhyuk. He was craving Minhyuk. Their lips less then an inches apart, about to touch when the door opened and they backed away as quickly as possible.

"Yo, Minhyuk, Kihyun wants to talk." It was Changkyun.

"Why?" Minhyuk asked. Changkyun just shrugged his shoulders.

"He's outside," Changkyun said before leaving. Minhyuk got up from the bed, but something grabbed his wrist. He looked back to see Hyungwon looking down at the floor. He said nothing, but Minhyuk knew what he was thinking. Minhyuk gave a half smile and stroked Hyungwon's hair.

"I won't be long," Minhyuk told him. Hyungwon looked up at Minhyuk. His smile made Hyungwon instantly felt better. Hyungwon grabbed Minhyuk by his shirt and pulled him close causing their lips to fuse. Minhyuk was shocked by the sudden action, but enjoyed it anyway. Hyungwon let go of the kiss and leaned next Minhyuk's ear.

"Don't keep your baby boy waiting," Hyungwon whispered in Minhyuk's ear. His eyes widened. He backed away slowly from Hyungwon, who had a devious smile on his face. Minhyuk just looked at him with confusion and shock and pleasure, but mostly shock. Minhyuk left the room and started to walk outside to find Kihyun.

"Hyukie....mmm," Hyungwon moaned under the passionate kiss. Hyungwon was straddling Minhyuk's lap. They were glued to each other as the world revolved around them. Minhyuk moved down to Hyungwon's neck. Hyungwon tugged on Minhyuk's hair. He was taking in every good and pleasurable moment. "Can we do it today?" Hyungwon whispered in Minhyuk's ear.

Minhyuk stopped sucking Hyungwon's neck and looked him in the eyes. "Are you sure?" Minhyuk asked.

Hyungwon shook his head yes. Minhyuk smiled and pushed Hyungwon onto the bed getting on top of him, and pinning him down. Minhyuk bent down to Hyungwon's ear.

"Daddy's going to make you feel so good baby boy," Minhyuk whispered.

"Kihyun?" Minhyuk called out. Kihyun was leaning against the building with his arms crossed. Kihyun looked over to see the blonde haired boy.

"Do you want to come on a delivery with me?" Kihyun asked. Minhyuk looked confused.

"Why?" Minhyuk asked.

"I just thought you might want to come along," Kihyun said. "I'm delivering to some one you know."

Minhyuk wondered who it might be. He thought about Hyungwon. He didn't want to leave him, but he wanted to go with Kihyun.

"Sure, I'll go," Minhyuk said, a little unsure.

"Okay be ready in five minutes," Kihyun told him.

Minhyuk went back into headquarters to tell Hyungwon he was leaving again. He didn't really want to leave, but he felt like he had to. He got to Hyungwon's room. He was laying in bed, waiting for Minhyuk to come back. Minhyuk smiled at how cute Hyungwon looked. He jumped on top of Hyungwon and gave him a kiss.

"Hyukie," Hyungwon said.

"Did you miss me?" Minhyuk asked. Hyungwon looked a little troubled.

"A little," Hyungwon said.

"What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked.

"Hmm, nothing," Hyungwon said trying to avoid the question. Minhyuk looked at Hyungwon with concern.

"I know when something is bothering you," Minhyuk told him.

"I was just thinking about the past," Hyungwon started. "I was thinking about the day my dad died."

Minhyuk's eyes widened. "When did your dad die?" He asked with surprise.

"A year ago," Hyungwon told him. "He killed himself in prison. I remeber they had a burial for him, and I don't know why but I went to it. And I cried. I don't know why, but I cried cause my dad died. I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad."

"Well, maybe you were both," Minhyuk said.

"Maybe," Hyungwon still thinking about it. Minhyuk laid his head on Hyungwon's chest.

"It's okay," Minhyuk said. "I'm here so it's alright." Hyungwon said nothing. Minhyuk lifted his head and got off Hyungwon. "I have to go with Kihyun on a delivery, but I'll be back I promise," Minhyuk told Hyungwon.

Hyungwon sat up. "Okay, I'll be waiting," he said with a smile. Minhyuk smiled back happy that his baby wasn't too troubled by the subject of his dad. Minhyuk left the room and Hyungwon laid back down.

"Alright, let's go," Minhyuk said to Kihyun.

Kihyun was on his motorcycle, he had a backpack on, that most likely carried the delivery. Kihyun handed a helmet to Minhyuk who put it on. He hopped on the back of the motorcycle and held on to Kihyun's waist.

"Where are we going?" Minhyuk asked Kihyun before he road off.


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