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"Wake up."

Minhyuk opened his eyes a tiny bit. He saw Jooheon. He closed his eyes again.

"Five more minutes," Minhyuk mumbled. Jooheon yanked the blankets off Minhyuk.

"Bitch, do you even have your own room," Jooheon said. "Get up." Minhyuk sat up and rubbed his eyes. "We have to go over mission plans."

"What type of mission?" Minhyuk asked.

"Infiltrating the Institute," Jooheon said with a smirk. The Institute was also another name for the government. They were known to kidnap people and do experiments on them. It was the clans job to protect the people and stop the government.

"What? Really?" Minhyuk asked surprised. "Doesn't the Institute have the highest security in the world?"

"They do," Jooheon answered. "But we have the best hacker in the world."

"I'm not the best," Changkyun said from the doorway.

"I.M, did you find the file?" Jooheon asked. Chanhkyun nodded and threw a flash drive to Jooheon.

"Plug it in, open it, and everything is gone," Changkyun said.

"Wake up Hyungwon and meet us in the conference room," Jooheon said before leaving the room.

Minhyuk looked down at the sleeping Hyungwon. He smiled. He laid on top of Hyungwon causing him to wake up a little.

"Wake up, Hyungwon!" Minhyuk yelled.

"No," Hyungwon whined.

"We have to get ready for a mission," Minhyuk said.

"No," Hyungwon said again, covering his face with the blankets. Minhyuk pulled them off Hyungwon's face, revealing the pouting baby.

"If you don't get up, I won't ever kiss you again," Minhyuk said. Hyungwon glared at Minhyuk.

"Why are you lying, you know you can't resist me," Hyungwon told him. Minhyuk smiled.

"Your right," Minhyuk said and attacked Hyungwon with kisses all over his face.

"Stop," Hyungwon said, giggling a bit and pushing Minhyuk away. Minhyuk got off of Hyungwon.

"Then get up," Minhyuk said. Hyungwon lifted his arms toward Minhyuk.

"Carry me daddy," Hyungwon said. Minhyuk's eyes widened.

"You're silly," Minhyuk said, but let Hyungwon get on his back. Hyungwon clung to Minhyuk, burring his face in Minyuk's neck. They headed to the conference room.

"Lee Minhyuk?" a voice called. Minhyuk looked up to see a tall, handsome man with wide shoulders.

"Yes?" Minhyuk asked.

"Hyungwon is going to be fine, he might have some memory lose but, we won't know till he wakes up," the doctor said. "You brought him in just in time."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course," the doctor said. He led Minhyuk to were Hyungwon was and left the two alone.

Minhyuk looked at the still Hyungwon. He sighed and sat down on a chair next to Hyungwon's bed. He held his head in his hands.

'I should do something. He doesn't deserve to live like this. I need to take him away from all this,' Minhyuk's thoughts were interrupted be a hand that was placed on his head. He looked up to see Hyungwon giving him a weak smile.

"Hi Hyukie," Hyungwon said. "Are we in a hospital? Why? What happened?"

"Your dad," Minhyuk began. "Wait what was the last thing you remember?"

"Ummm, I remember being at school writing notes, nothing after that," Hyungwon said.

"So, we are just going to sneak in and delete all their data, but why?" Wonho asked.

"Cause doing that will give them less power. The only thing giving them power is their experiments," Jooheon said.

"What about their weapons?" Kihyun asked.

"Well that too, but that's not the point," Jooheon said. "The point is that we take away their experiments, and they'll stop taking our people."

"Unless it back fires and they just start killing us," Wonho said.

"Oh my god guys, stop it. Can you just have faith in your leader for ounce," Jooheon exclaimed.

"I think Shownu is more of a leader," Kihyun said. "He can protect us better."

"I swear you guys are killing me," Jooheon was getting irritated.

Hyung was sitting on Minhyuk's lap the whole time. Nobody said anything. He was almost falling asleep again. Minhyuk's arms were wrapped tightly around Hyungwon's waist.

"Okay so this is what will happen. Kihyun, you'll go to the Institute and tell the guards you have a delivery. That will keep most of the guards distracted on Kihyun making sure he isn't dangerous and Minhyuk and Hyungwon will sneak into the building through the air vents. I.M will disarm any alarms and hack any doors that need to be opened and also guide Hyungwon and Minhyuk through the vents. Wonho will be driver, Shownu will be extra muscle and I will be there to make sure everything goes smoothly, got it," Jooheon finished. Everyone nodded. "Alright then I.M would you please."

"Let's party baby," Changkyun said, giving the signal to start the mission.

"Mmm....you taste so good baby," Suho said under his kisses to Hyungwon's lips. Hyungwon just sat there, doing nothing. He couldn't this was the third time now. He just let it happen. Suddenly the door slide open.

"Oh, sorry I di-" the boy who opened the door began to say.

"Leave," Suho said moving away from Hyungwon and looking at the boy. The boy saw the fear in Hyungwon's eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" The boy asked Hyungwon.

"He's fine now get out," Suho commanded.

"Suho, I know he's not fine, look at him he's trembling."

"He's fine. Your fine, right?" Suho glared at Hyungwon.
Hyungwon looked at the boy standing in the door way and nodded his head yes.

"No your not," the boy said, walking up to him and grabbing his wrist pulling him towards the door. But Suho grabbed Hyungwon's other arm.

"He's not going any where," Suho said, giving the boy a dirty look. The boy gave one back.

"I'm sorry, but my dad owns this school and I can get you kicked out, in trouble with your parents, and ruin your future," the boy said with a smirk. Suho let go of Hyungwon and backed away. "That's what I thought."

The boy took Hyungwon out of the classroom and out of the school.

"Thank you," Hyungwon said to the boy.

"Your Hyungwon right?" The boy asked. Hyungwon was surprised by his statement.

"Uh...yes," Hyungwon said feeling a little uneasy. The boy smiled.

"I'm Shin Hoseok, but I prefer Wonho."

Never Let Go: minwon/hyunghyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now