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"What happened?" Jooheon asked. They were walking to another room where there was a T.V and a sofa. Shownu pointed to the T.V.

'Breaking news. The 63 building in Seoul has just been destroyed by an inside bomb. The government believes it is from a North Korean terrorist. Many people were either injured or killed.' The voice on the T.V said.

"Oh shit," Jooheon said covering his mouth. "That's like two miles away from here."

"I know," Shownu said with a worried expression.

"I'm pretty sure it was the government, but why?" Jooheon questioned.

"Hyungwon? Hyungwon?" Changkyun kept calling into the head set.

"What's happening?" Jooheon asked.

"Some one is jamming the signal," Changkyun said. Everyone froze.

"They know we're here?" Wonho said, starting to feel panicked.

"Over ride it!" Jooheon commanded.

"I'm trying Jooheon, what do you think I'm doing?" Changkyun yelled at him. He was typing in different codes on his laptop trying to over ride the jamming.

"They need to get out of there," Shownu said. He seemed calm but he was really panicking on the inside.

"No shit!" Jooheon yelled.

"I'm just saying!" Shownu yelled back.

"Guys don't start!" Kihyun yelled. "This situation is a already stressful, we don't need you too fighting. Your scaring Wonho." Kihyun held onto Wonho who seemed to be terrified.

"I got it!" Changkyun said. Everyone looked at Changkyun intensively. "Hyungwon! Minhyuk! Get out now! They're on to us!"


"You what?" Minhyuk asked, starting to get worried.

"I can't here I.M," Hyungwon said again. Minhyuk and Hyungwon heard voices outside. They started to panic. Minhyuk ran to the vent opening, dropping the hard drive that contained the virus. He tried to run back for it but the door was already being opened. He climbed through the vent and grabbed the vent 'door' that he had broken earlier. He held it and made it stay.

He looked at Hyungwon and motioned him to go. Hyungwon shook his head 'no'. Minhyuk gave him a stern look. Hyungwon gave him a 'but, please I can't leave you' look. Minhyuk gave a 'you have to' look and stuck out his bottom lip pouting.

Suddenly, they heard voices.

"Are you sure you found a signal in here?" one of them said.

"Yes, I swear to god," another one said.

"So, why is your little device not picking one up then huh?"

"I have no idea, but it was coming from here."

"Look, Luhan, we can check the security footage if your really that paranoid."

"Ugh, fine." The two left and the room was silent.

"Luhan? I've heard that name before," Minhyuk whispered.

"Hey, Minhyuk. You okay?" asked the tall guy that sat down next to him.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Minhyuk said. He was thinking about Hyungwon. He wished he could talk to him, but he didn't have a phone anymore.

"Are you just having a hard time adjusting?" the guy said.

"Maybe," Minhyuk said looking at the orangish-pink sky. The sun was setting and he was thinking about the time, him and Hyungwon had watched their first sun set together on the lake.

Never Let Go: minwon/hyunghyuk ✔Where stories live. Discover now