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Several days after what incident.

Things were tense between you and the team since Sakamoto, Tsukishima, and Iwaizumi's incident. You didn't ask for it, but you can't change the past. All you need to do is keep going.

Yes, leaving the club crossed your thoughts, but it wasn't something you contemplated. After all, you're looking forward to seeing all of your friends at the club.

You didn't leave since you didn't want to be nearby Tsukishima. Besides, it was like High School all over again. You can put up with his personality and presence all the time.

Meanwhile, the club members respected your silence, and none of them dared to open up or even acknowledge what happened.

You'd also heard of Sakamoto and Tsukishima's breakup, but you weren't convinced. It didn't take long for you to confirm that it was true when Sakamoto didn't show up for the rest of club practice like she always does.

Even if you despise them, you were upset. You never expected them to fall apart like that. You were confused when you realized that Tsukishima had broken up with her.

You did observe that he was constantly irritated and chilly towards Sakamoto. You recall the quarrel with her; he protected her at the time.

Do you truly understand who Tsukishima is?

Nobody knows what is going through Tsukishima's mind right now. Even though they've been great friends for a long time, you doubt Yamaguchi understands him at all. Tsukishima is a very difficult problem to solve.

You sighed as you walked into the gym after hanging the towels outside. It hasn't been that long since summer began. Even though you were wearing a tank top to keep cool, the heat of the sun was unbearable. Sweat had coated your exposed skin, and it was just halfway through the day.

"I hate summer mornings," you complained.

"(F/N)-san..." You turn around to see Kenma standing awkwardly behind you.

"Kenma-kun? What is it?" you asked, smiling at him.

"May I speak with you?" His cheeks flushed faintly.

You were curious as to why he wanted to speak with you. You agreed and followed him out of the gym. He brought you to the caféteria. Several students were hanging out with their friends and classmates.

Perhaps they were there for summer classes since the university provides advanced classes. You were considering taking one as well.

Kenma went to get you a drink. He came back with a big cup of strawberry slush.

"Wow, thank you Kenma-kun!" your eyes twinkled as you gently accepted the beverage from your reclusive senpai. This would certainly help you deal with the heat.

Kenma nodded, sipping his own slush. "How are you?" he asked, staring at the blue sky.

You turn to him, sipping your drink, and say, "I'm fine, I guess."

Kenma cast a hidden glance at your arms, where there were still apparent scratches and bandages from the fight with Sakamoto. She left a lot of scratches on your skin, which was unattractive for you. You wanted to keep them hidden, but covering them with your jersey wouldn't work in this heat.

"Are you glad Sakamoto-san isn't there any longer to watch the practice?" Kenma inquired, drinking his slush.

"It's more like I'm relieved that I won't have to deal with her for a while. By the way," you leaned to the side, "I wanted to thank you for telling coach Nomura about what happened between me and Sakamoto. You really saved me out there."

SWEET N' SALTY | Tsukishima K. × Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now