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You were unable to catch up to Tsukishima. He had left the university grounds. You took a breather outside the school gate. You tightened your hold on his bag. Your face bore a sorrowful expression.

To think you didn't recognize the bag. It's been 4 months since you became their club manager, but you haven't even noticed that the bag he regularly carries around campus was the last gift you gave him on his birthday. Even the keychain that came with it was still dangling from the zipper of the duffle bag.

"Dammit, Kei," you said to yourself. You desperately searched your university's vacant neighborhood for his visage. But all you can see is a dimly lit street.

"So, he went home, huh?" Kuroo strode out of the gates, his hands both stuffed inside his pockets, "What are you going to do now, (F/N)?"

"Kuroo, do me a favor," you said as you turned to face Kuroo.

Kuroo looked you in the eyes before sighing in frustration, "I know what you're going to say. It's this way," he said as he tilted his head to the side and began walking. You followed him down the empty street early in the evening. "Say, (F/N), is it okay if I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"I was thinking about what you told me earlier," Kuroo said over his shoulder. "So, you were pregnant before you graduated high school and didn't realize it until you were in your third month, correct?"

"That's right," you nodded, your head low, "I'm not sure if I should mention this, because you're a guy. You might not understand," you said.

Kuroo laughed softly, "Try me."

"My period had always been irregular,"

"Ah, the agonizing red days," Kuroo remarked.

"I have a hormonal imbalance; it was normal not to have it for two months or more, so when my period did not arrive on the expected date, I thought it was normal due to my case," she explained. "However, signs and symptoms began to appear in my third month. My friend, Hinata's girlfriend,"

"You mean, Yacchan?" you confirmed with a nod.

"She advised me to see a doctor because she suspected I was pregnant, and you know the rest."

"Not yet," Kuroo grinned, "How come that kid didn't know about your pregnancy and your child?"

"The day I found out I was pregnant was the exact day we broke up, and at first, I had no intention of telling him about his child because there was no reason for me at that time," you scowled.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to pry or anything," Kuroo scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I did tell you to give yourself a chance to know me."

Kuroo agreed and took his phone from his pocket. "I should probably call Tsukki just to make sure he's at home," he thought as he exited his phone's call directory. "On second thought, you should call him; you still have his phone number, right?"

"I do, but why me?" you pondered.

"Well, there's a 90% chance he won't answer my call because it's me," Kuroo smirked.

"I see. Alright then," you took your phone from your pocket and dialed Tsukishima's number. It began to ring, but you both heard a ringtone from within his bag at the same moment.

Kuroo slapped his palm on his forehead in surprise, "Is he serious!? He even left his phone in his bag!?"

You hung up the phone, searching Tsukishima's bag for his phone. Your hand trembled as you gripped his cellphone, wanting to check it.

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