Assassins Of Yesterday - 1

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~~ Prologue ~~

His beating heart began to steadily come to a stop and he continued to hold onto the young man's hand. So much had occurred and not enough time to be with his son. The man was beginning to regret every decision in avoiding to not spend time with him. But there was nothing he could now. He was about to die. "Daniel," the dying man called softly. "Yes, father? I'm right here. You'll be okay," he assured.

Tears swam down the young man's face. He knew that he had less than a minute before his father died. And although he knew they both were not exactly close, he loved his father. Caring or not. Now, he's going to die. All because of her, he thought bitterly. "Avenge my death son. Avenge me," were his last words.

The father's hand loosened in strength and Daniel stared at his father's corpse. So many emotions ran through his mind. But it was all clouded into one emotion. Rage. The tears ran down faster. "I will avenge your death father."

* * * * * * * * * *

The assassin watched, from the top window, the main target die. She only sighed.

The woman refused to reveal any emotion. It was her job to eliminate such plague that roamed the earth and her duty to remain emotionless while at it. He did horrible things and even though the evil man had a son, she couldn't care about that factor. All she needed to have in order to justify his death was the fact that he participated in illegal events. The man deserved it.

Maybe even more.

"Target terminated," she informed her companion through the comms. "Just the son and we're done for the week." The young lady chuckled amused and started to pack her firearms into a bag. "Damn well. We mustn't miss or we'll be stuck on this mission for another week."

"Well said agent."

Her partner stood outside the door, waiting for the young woman to step out the room. Running a thick palm over his dirty blonde hair, he closed his eyes, sighing deeply, wondering if the girl was okay. She knew she shouldn't be up and about moving in such state but she refused to sit back and watch on the sidelines.

The young girl was born to be on the battlefield.

The lady emerged from the room with slow, careful steps. Jessica Williams. One of the most beautiful yet deadliest female assassin in the agency. With her dark chocolate, long hair that reached just a bit midway her back, and soft chocolate eyes that constantly glazed over everyone and everything; she was a successful assassin. What the man loved about her was that she decided to initiate from scratch when she could have been in the top rank due to her father's head position.

The male agent opened his eyes and stared back at the beauty before him. She was a natural in her attire. Just once, just once he wanted to hold her close. But, didn't everyone want to? He knew he would never have a chance. So he only helped her while she was in her state. It was his only excuse to be close to her.

The young woman zipped shut her bag and nudged her partner with her elbow before looking up. "Ready," he asked. She nodded. "Yes." The agent nodded back and led her down the staircase towards the front door. Agent Williams took slow, steadily paced steps as she followed her trusty partner.

* * * * * * * * * *

Daniel slipped out his father's gun and the young man wiped his tears. The cold metal burned against his warm flesh. He remembered those times when a gun was placed in his hands and he would be forced to shoot. Yet, he never could. This time, though, this time, it will be different. "Your death will not be in vain," he whispered.

A twig snapped from behind him and the hair on the back of his neck stood at the edge. He quickly charged the revolver gun and from the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of two shadows suddenly freeze. Gotcha.

* * * * * * * * * *

An object clicked against the pavement near where the assassins were posed. "MOVE!" The beeping of the explosive increased and it exploded as Agent Marcello Martinez yanked Agent Jessica Williams under his cover, protecting her from the flames.

The young woman groaned as she fell onto the pavement on her back. Her brown hair whipped as she turned to see her partner. Marcello's shirt had caught up in flames and she didn't waste a second to stand up, curl her fingers around the hem of his shirt and roll it off him, revealing a red, burnt, and sweaty, muscular chest. "Come on," she whispered, diverting her gaze.

A bullet rang past her arm, barely scraping the skin of her arm, causing her to wince from the burn and slash it produced. Marcello, forcefully but carefully, pushed her behind the second set of boxes as a bullet cut its way into the thick layers of skin in his arm. The man quickly clenched his jaw as to prevent a cry of pain from running out. He threw himself behind another stack of boxes that contained cocaine. "Williams!"

The woman extended her arm in time to catch the gun and shoot Daniel just as he flung a small knife to her thigh. The woman scrunched her eyes shut as a small cry fell from her lips. The woman wanted to lean down but her 6-month pregnancy stomach wouldn't allow her to bend. She rubbed her palm over her bump, quietly panicking if her baby would be okay. A rough hand took over hers and she opened her eyes.

The wind around began to blow furiously, causing both agent's hair to dance. The ground shook under their bodies as feet thudded against the ground. The young agent knew she was crazy to think she would be okay on her last mission. She was six months in, but it didn't seem to stop her. Instead, it pushed her to do more. More for her child.

"Williams, do you feel okay?' The woman wanted to hit the man for asking such question. But, reluctantly nodded. "I suppose so." The man rubbed his palm over her bump as well. An excited smile appeared on his lips as a small movement hit his hand.

"Still fighting," the man whispered. "Still fighting."

* * * * * * * * * *

1114 words.

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