Assassins Of Yesterday - 3

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~~ A Trip ~~

The adults bid their goodbyes and Jessica set off to roam about her house, assuring the locks were in place. After initiating the final security box, Jessica jogged up the staircase of her home towards her son's room.The door was silent as she pushed it open. My little boy, she thought. The mother sat beside the sleeping figure of her son and she shook him gently. He opened one eye and croaked a laugh. "Hey, mom."

The boy sighed, gently rubbing his eyes as to adjust them from his tiredness. "Jacob, I was just informed that I have to go on a business trip to Georgia. It should last about a month or so."

Jacob nodded understandably. He knew it was a matter of time before they would depart again for another mission. He couldn't wait to sit on the very professional tables and speak of company executive matters along with his mother. Jessica unconsciously bit her lip as she saw his face contort into one of excitement. "We're going to Georgia. Isn't that where you grew up mom? Wait, I will be going too. Right?"

Jessica's mind screamed in frustration but as an agent, she had learned to mask her face with a different emotion. "Well, I cannot leave you here alone now can I? Yes, you will be tagging along but not to the meetings. I would rather you stay in the secure area where you would be fine. You know, because you are young and you don't know the area and the meetings would probably take too long and I want you to familiarize."

"Go back to sleep. It's about to be 2:00 a.m. and I need you to be completely rested for tomorrow morning. We have to wake up early for us to pack everything and head for the airport. Night hon." Jacob muttered a good night as his mother pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. She silently exited his room, moving her petite figure towards her own room and proceeded to her bathroom where she took care of her needs.

Yawning, the woman slid under the covers. Phoenix has always been a problem. And I'm more than pleased knowing I will end it. was her last thought before sleep drilled into the depths of her mind.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, Jacob and his mother woke at 0530 hours. They both quickly took care of their needs. By 0700 hours, Jessica and Jacob were already in her 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71.

* * * * * * * * *

The boy watched various airplane jets take off. "Come on," his mother urged once she turned her vehicle off in the cargo of the airplane. Jacob grumpily slipped on the straps of his gym bag onto his left shoulder. His eyes would close at times but he'd pinch himself to remain awake. "I'm hungry," he muttered to himself.

Shrugging, Jacob reached within the bag and pulled out an energy granola bar his mother packed for him. Jacob took a slow, delicious bite out of the bar and he moaned softly as the chocolate chip bits melted in his mouth. He took another bite and the pure sensation of happiness in his stomach produced another moan of delight. "This is delicious."

Shrugging to himself, Jacob slammed the door shut and turned to face his mother. His brown eyes widen at the spectacular unfolding before him. His mother was hugging an older man that looked in his mid-thirties. Jacob could only blink in surprise and shock as he found himself frozen to the ground.

Jessica stood on the tip of her toes as she tightened her arms around his waist. The man had his arms wrapped around her back as well and Jessica rested her head against his chest. She listened to the slow beating of his heart. "I missed you Jessica."

Chuckling, the woman retorted, "Who wouldn't?"

The man offered a deep laugh that sent vibrations across his chest. With a bright smile, Jessica parted from the enormous man and twisted her body to search for her son. Jacob stood only a couple feet away from them. His eyes concentrated on the foreign man hugging his mother. "Jacob," his mother called him out softly.

Diverting his gaze, his eyes met his mother's and he deciphered the happy glint in her eyes. Jacob felt uneasy at the emotion his mother displayed and he was frightened that she loved the man. But, she couldn't. She loves my father. Right?

"Jacob, this is Ricardo. My brother. Your uncle." The relief surging throughout Jacob's body at the mention of those words which spread like a wildfire. The man strode forwards and "man-hugged" the boy as they greeted for the first time. "It's good to finally meet my nephew."

Jacob only chuckled before retorting, "Same here. It's good to finally meet the uncle I was never informed about. Mother." Scoffing, Ricardo faced his sister only to confronted with a blank expression. "I feel so loved."

* * * * * * * * * *

The brunette woman joined her brother at the front after changing. She was now dressed in a burgundy outfit. Shirt, jeans, and shoes. All the same color shade. "How has Jacob been," the man questioned her once she settled. The agent chuckled and turning her head towards the window to watch the fluffy cotton balls float.

She answered, "He has been doing really well. He learned to fight. He knows how to charge, aim, and shoot any kind of rifle. Heh. His grades in school...whew! They offered to skip him a grade up. From second to third grade. Luckily, the boys in his grade do not speak bull of him. Overall, everything has moved.....smoothly."

"You seem very happy. But, has Jacob questioned about....?" The nervousness drilling into the man made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. He knew it was a touchy subject for her. But, he needed to ask her. He needed to know if she was okay.

"Yes and I told him he had to leave. That....I was not completely sure of when he was coming back." The woman sighed deeply. "I suppose it's difficult for him not to be able to speak with him." Ricardo nodded and sighed, shaking his head. "How about you lil' sis? How are you dealing with it?" Jessica chuckled, closing her eyes. "I suppose I am just trying to remain neutral for his sake." Jessica's brother reached for her hand and he squeezed it carefully to reassure her everything would be okay. "You're strong. You'll get through it. You always do."

* * * * * * * * * *

1128 words

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