Assassins Of Yesterday - 20

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~~ Never take it off. ~~

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Matthew chuckled, moving to the bed as Jessica sat up fully rested. "No. I had woken up to the computer pinging. Jackson responded back already." He had caught her attention and she settled over his lap, suddenly fully awake. "Well, what'd the old hag say??"

Matthew took his cellphone out and opened up the gallery to show her the picture he took of the message that was on the computer screen. Jessica's eyebrows furrowed as she read the note but as she reached the final sentence, there was no doubt inside her that her son's life could be in danger. She didn't speak at all, leaving Matthew to wonder if she had gone into shock. So the man read it out loud.

"The night was dark and nothing could be seen. A hand dropped and a heart had stopped. If she had been away, it wouldn't have occurred. For now, a newer version may face the same deed. So do say, where do they commit it? If the sun had gone down, a flower would not have bloomed."

Matthew looked at Jessica's frightened expression. "What does it mean?" The woman hesitated to answer his question. ", he's talking about his mom."

"His mom?"


"What does she have to do with us?"

"I was with Patrick that night. He had introduced me to his uncle and I saw Phoenix there. I noticed that there was another woman there as well but I wasn't sure who she was. When I left after Phoenix to kill him, she got in the way and said that she knew who I was and what I was doing there."

"Okay but why??"

"I killed her."

* * * * * * * * * *

"She killed her?" Jacob was astounded by the fact that his mother had the guts to kill someone else's mom. Much less the mom of his own grandfather. "Yes. She was after me."

"Why? What do you do?"

"Drug trafficking."

"It amazes me how blunt you are."

"We're family. Are we not?" This sent Jacob to wonder who his father was. If Manuel was her mother's father and Phoenix his father's father, then who was his father? He hadn't asked Phoenix. Who knew what Jackson would do if he asked about his whereabouts? He sure didn't want to know.

Before Jacob could say anything, a heavy knock resonated on the wooden double doors of the office. "Come in!" The man that had brutally grabbed him stepped in, sending a glare Jacob's way before turning to Jackson. "Sir, we're ready." Jacob faced his grandfather. "Ready for what?"

His grandpa only smiled and motioned for the man to exit. Once he did, Phoenix broke into a hum and began to gather a few of his belongings which consisted of a coat and weapons. "We're going to meet mommy dearest."

* * * * * * * * * *

Jessica didn't speak much after Matthew left the room to call up Fagan and Mrs. Jackson. After eating a satisfying meal, the assassins geared up and with Felicie, they boarded Jessica's vehicle and left to the trade off site. "Never take it off. It will allow for us to track you down even in severe weather. You press this if you have an emergency. Once you press this, there is no turning it off. It's set up this way so we know you're not trying to ambush us in any way. Alright?"

Felicie nodded. "Um, yes. I understand." Fagan nodded and clasped the diamond bracelet back onto the woman's wrist. Once clasped, the young man managed to slip the bullet-proof vest onto the woman's body. "She's ready," Fagan informed the others. "Afterwards, what will happen to me?" Mrs. Jackson questioned as she fidgeted with the vest.

Jessica chuckled, yanking at the Velcro of her bullet-proof vest to tighten it and snap it into place before pulling her leather jacket over her shirt to camouflage the vest.

"You will be under our protection 24/7 until everything settles down. I already contacted my cousin and he has someone that we can put you underneath for protection while everything goes down. He will take care of you and your child until we assign you a permanent bodyguard from C.D"

Felicie nodded slowly. She wasn't very confident in the idea of being under a man's protection. "Quick question, who is this person?" Jessica turned around to face the woman. "He recently turned 14 but he is one of the smartest interns I know considering his family has been in the league for centuries." Felicie's face contorted into a shocked expression. "I will be under the protection of a 14-year-old??" she questioned incredulously. Jessica laughed at the distress displayed on the woman's face. "Yes, yes you will."

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob watched how the buildings disappeared and trees began to appear. The car was silent, very silent. And the closer they got to their destination, Jacob would grow more nervous. He wasn't sure if he would be able to look at his mother after everything he found out. She was an assassin.

Not only her but also Matthew and the entire Williams' family. Jacob was just shocked to find out that his entire family line was involved in the Assassins League of the United Nations and much less that his own grandfather, Manuel, is the director of it all.

Did they even care about him?

Jacob shook his head. He needed to clear his mind. No. What he needed was to see Jennifer whom he hadn't seen in hours. It seemed short but to him, it felt like years of not being able to see her or hear her. He missed her laugh and giggles and that shy blush that seemed to crawl up her cheeks whenever he spoke to her.


* * * * * * * * * *

1004 Words

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