Assassins Of Yesterday - 22

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~~ Safe Houses ~~

Phoenix chuckled. "I always knew you were soft for an assassin Williams." The woman clenched her jaw; her nose twitched in anger. "I wonder how Jacob will react to seeing his precious mother kill her mission in front of him, eh?"

Matthew touched Jessica's palm, whispering her to refuse to engage. Jessica just needed an outlet. She had to kill Phoenix and with him pissing her off, it was becoming a task to keep calm. "It's sad to see such a good man go to waste," Phoenix added as he looked over at Fagan. His eyes narrowed on the young man.

Fagan had a sudden urge of punching someone. But he held his ground. He didn't want the plan to go to waste for a mere loss of control. Phoenix would have his head if he wanted but not yet. He glanced at Jessica but the woman diverted her gaze, unable to look at anyone in the eye. "Nothing to say?" Phoenix taunted.

Fagan stepped up. "Actually, I have something to say."

Phoenix questionably looked at him. Fagan stepped up and without hesitation, he swung out his leg, catching Matthew off guard as he swung him back onto the ground.

Fagan yelled at Phoenix to run.

Matthew's head spun in confusion.

Jessica opened the passenger door and swung out her gun from her holster. She pulled the trigger, shooting without mercy. Two penetrated one man; one other blew a hole through the other's head and two incisions through Phoenix's arm. The man ground his teeth in pain but refused to cry out.

Fagan shot at Jessica's feet but missed. Matthew by now had jumped up and joined Jessica behind the door.

Only Fagan, Phoenix and his wife were able to leave the site.

Matthew yelled out profanities and kicked the car. "I knew we shouldn't have fucking trusted him! I fucking knew it!!"

Jessica turned around and her palm stuck Matthew's cheek. "Pull it together you dumbass." She smiled, amused at the man's behavior while Matthew stood flabbergasted by her action and smile. "What?!" he snapped. Jessica simply rose her hands into the air in surrender and she settled into the passenger seat. "Are you coming??"

Matthew was baffled. Did she not realize what had just occurred? Was she not worried? I swear this woman drives me crazy. Both intimately and socially. Rubbing the back of his neck, Matthew walked around to the driver's seat and settled inside, starting the engine. He glances at the rearview mirror.

Jacob stared at the outside in silence.

He faced Jessica who only shook her head softly. Matthew smiled sadly and took her hand. With a sigh, he placed his left hand on the wheel and began to drive out in silence.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob slammed the door of his bedroom shut as the anger clouded his mind. His mother had not yet spoken to him. He was grateful she was giving him the space he needed for everything to finish settling in but he wanted-no he needed-for her to talk to him about the situation. He needed for her to clear up a few things. Yet, he couldn't decide whether or not he was ready to face her after she had killed two men in front of him.

The young boy sighed in frustration before slumping onto the untouched bed. he finally realized that they weren't in the same house as the last time. This room was different but his belongings were already in the room. Guess they also have multiple "safe houses" as he could recall from the many movies he had watched. He shook his head.

The sheets under his fingers felt cool and they smelled like freshly washed linen.

What would he do? He most certainly needed an explanation. Yes, that's what he needed. And almost instantly, his prayers were answered.

Jessica had waltzed into the room with a grim expression. She herself was not yet sure of how to approach her son in such situation. Nonetheless, she trusted that she would be able to speak to him calmly.

"Mom," Jacob said curtly. Jessica moved towards his desk where she pulled out a chair and slumped down. "Son." The young boy sighed as he inclined his back against the wall and he motioned for Jessica to sit beside him. She reluctantly complied. "Why?" Jacob questioned softly.

Jessica sighed. With much distaste, the woman began to explain how her father was the head of the assassins league and how she came to be. They both sat on Jacob's bed, just calmly speaking about it. The way Jessica spoke softly of the topic and how she certainly admitted of everything except the topic of his father aid Jacob in understanding the situation more clearer.

Once the woman finished explaining everything, excluding the topic about his father, Jacob remained quiet; his sign of wanting to be left alone to which his mother understood completely.

Jessica silently stood, heading towards the door. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this any sooner. You must understand this: It is not easy working in this profession and being a mother as well." Jacob understood from where his mother was coming from but after hearing everything and still trying to process it, he was not in the mood to hear any sort of excuse.

He just wanted to be left alone in silence in order to fully comprehend everything and be able to come to a decision.

Jacob sighed, looking directly into his mother's dark eyes that held sincerity. Yes, he most definitely did not want to hear anything else. "I'm sorry to mom. I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner."

* * * * * * * * * *

Matthew didn't question Jessica when she returned to her room. He remained silent while he held Jessica in his arms. He listened to her weep in his arm but he knew nothing would change Jacob's mind at the moment. At least, not him.

* * * * * * * * * * 

1022 Words

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