Assassins Of Yesterday - 30

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~~ We found there was a drug being synthesized. ~~

Jacob had gone with Patrick to watch a baseball game at the brave's. Fagan had mysteriously disappeared after the Williams' and Matthew left the cafe. Jessica had tried to get hold of him but she never could. Neither could the others help locate him. Jessica was only praying nothing had happened to him.

She was also pondering on Fagan's and Blake's strange behavior. Jessica would have asked Blake about the topic he had left her with at the cafe but his mother had called him in because of Felicie, who was giving birth. Blake had left before Jessica could ask him anything. The only answer she got from the young boy was to be careful and watch her back.

Now, she and Matthew were headed to Phoenix's home to gather their Intel. They gathered all the packaged boxes and trash bags and headed back to their safe house where they searched through everything.

Most papers were blueprints on varied tunnels -escape tunnels- and different drug trading location that was surrounded by numerous trees and abandoned buildings. There were documents on a new drug they had synthesized not too long ago. About 6 months ago. A drug in which only 1 handful of samples had been created and shipped over seas to some mafia buyer. But there had been no name or detail whatsoever that could point in the direction of the possible person that could have it.

"We're going to have to contact others to amplify the investigation on the drug's whereabouts," Matthew spoke up after reviewing the paper. Jessica sighed, running a hand over her tired face. "Or we can call Angie."

The suggestion caught the man off guard but he said nothing. He knew Jessica didn't know about the young woman's past and he wasn't about to tell her. It isn't in his place to do so. "I think that's a great idea. Angie."

The adults sat in silence for another 10 minutes before Matthew exasperated. "Babe, I'm hungry." Jessica shook her head and stood up, making her way into the kitchen where soon enough, she began to slice up a few fruits to eat as a snack.

Matthew went to stand behind her and he took a triangle slice of the pineapple, giving it to Jessica for her to eat, which she reluctantly did. Ideas spiraled in his head and he couldn't help but smirk at the woman's expense. "What?"

He kissed her cheek and then her collarbone. "You know, they say pineapple is good for one's sexual life."

"Really? Why?"

The man let his hands drop to Jessica's sides where he teasingly trailed the skin of her thighs. "Makes you sweeter to eat." Jessica gasped and elbowed the man against his stomach. "Shut up!!"

"It's true."

Matthew then held onto his fiance as he kissed her senseless. With both assassins ravishing each other's bodies, the mission was put on hold to them. Everything around them had disappeared and only they remained as one.

Until Matthew's phone rang.

Annoyed, the man answered his cell phone only to be greeted by Manuel. "Oh it's you," Jessica muttered. "Why are you so angry?"

"We were getting really into it, you know, and then you call and ruin the moment."

"Forgive me for preventing you any action beloved son."

"If you really did feel sorry, you'd hurry the hell up and tell us what it is that you want." Jessica snapped angrily at her father. "Unfortunately, you won't be doing anything anytime soon. I was calling because I want to know if you are already going through the Intel."

"Yes, in fact, we are almost done."

"Care to inform me on your recent discoveries?"

"We found that there was a drug being synthesized. However, the documents don't state whether or not they were delivered to a specific person or location. Only says something about being shipped overseas."

"We plan to call Angie and see what she can do about it since she lives on the other side of the world. If also, you can call the director of Europe's area to tell them that we will be in contact with that agent."

"Good enough for me. Just finish and I will do that."



Once they hung up, the assassins moved on to open the last box in which two documents inside of protective sheets were there. They were confused at first as to what the contents were until they read out loud the words imprinted on the documents.

"These are birth certificates."

Jessica became confused. Both certificates had Patrick's name imprinted. But then it all settled in her mind. The secrets, the lies, the secretive meetings; the calls. It all finally made sense to her.

"Jessica, this one is the....original."

Shaking hands, the woman took the birth certificate into her hands and read aloud the words imprinted on the document.

"Patrick Jackson. Father: Phoenix Jackson."

* * * * * * * * * *

839 Words

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