Assassins Of Yesterday - 11

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~~ And for you dad Hon? ~~

Jacob ran on the treadmill beside his mother. Both had sped the pace of their feet pumping and they watched Matthew work off his biceps. Jessica couldn't deny the attraction in which the displaying of his muscles had on her. She was trying to keep her eyes forward but the temptation would only burned inside of her.

And Jacob, he only rolled his eyes whenever he caught his mother ogling at Matthew.

Smith grunted as he lifted the weights for what felt like the millionth time. His muscles were beginning to strain, painfully. Halting, the agent snatched up a dry towel and placed it on the back of his sweaty neck to soak up the sweat beads.

"Are Y'all hungry?" Matthew questioned as he felt his stomach pull. Jacob gripped the handlebars and placed his feet on the sides of the treadmill in order to turn off the machine. He nodded. "Yes."

Jessica switched the key off and jumped off the treadmill. "Come on, I know where we can go but first we have to clean up. You men stink," she commented and strolled away, leaving Matthew and Jacob to glare holes into her crown.

Nonetheless, Matthew swung a throbbing arm around Jacob, causing him to cringe. "Mom's right. You stink." And he scurried away. Matthew yelled after him. "I see how it is."

* * * * * * * * * *

"Waffle House?" Matthew questioned incredulously. "You drove 45 minutes....for Waffle House??" Jacob gaped at the man with a horrified expression. "You're dead," he murmured.

Confused, Agent Smith watched how Agent Williams turned her heel towards him and although he should have been fearful, the man couldn't. With deep dedication, Matthew analyzed Jessica. Her eyes would shimmer around the pupil whenever she became angry. Her lips pursed tightly which caused them to pluck out very minimally. And her eyebrows creased, giving her the deadly look. But she looked beau-

His head tilted and he reached for his stinging cheek. "You slapped me??" Jessica sighed dramatically. "That is what happens when you insult Waffle House."

Amused, Matthew followed behind her and subconsciously, he ogled at the sweet sway of her rhythmic hips. He sighed, sliding beside Jacob in a booth that was located in the corner of the restaurant. Matthew accepted a menu from Jacob and began to scan over the varied options.

His cellphone vibrated, distracting him from continuing to read the menu. A text from an unregistered number

Jacob: staring at my mom's butt won't help u win her

Matthew: If you were in my position, you wouldn't be saying that

Jacob: no. don't ever say that again

Matthew: She is your mom. You obviously would find it wrong. But your mom is very beautiful.

Jacob: my mom? or her butt?

Matthew: Both.

Jacob grimaced once he read the text which caused Matthew to chuckle. Jessica had watched them chuckle, snort, grimace, cringe and do other things which drove her insane. When she noticed the waitress approaching them and Matthew chuckled again, she jumped up, snatching their cellphones from hand and sat back down.

"What are you-"

"Sorry for the wait. What can I get you to drink?"

"I would like a sprite please."

"What about you hon?"

"Orange juice is fine. Thank you."

"And for your dad hon?"

Jessica's eyes widened in shock and she began to shake her head but Jacob smirked. "My Dad will have an orange juice as well." Jessica was annoyed at her son's level of immaturity but Matthew made the matter worse. "Thanks, Son."

The waitress smiled at how easy the vibe rolled off them, not noticing a fuming woman. "Are you ready to order your food or would you like more time?" Matthew leaned towards the table and nodded his head. "Yes. I would like a hash brown."

The waitress was confused. "Is that all?" Matthew nodded. The woman only shrugged and moved onto Jacob who ordered a Texas bacon patty melt. Then, she questioned Jessica. "All-Star meal. Instead of grits, hashbrown and I want bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese." Jessica was feeling a bit hungry but she felt like if she had only ordered a little bit of food. Nonetheless, she refrained from ordering more. The waitress took the order down, ignoring the surprise at how much the woman was going to consume.

"I will be back."

"Thank you."

Jessica then faced Matthew, her eyes narrowing on the man. "A hashbrown. Seriously?" Matthew shrugged, unaffected by her question when a certain man caught her attention. "What?" Before she could answer, a pair of cold hands covered her eyes and she jumped at how close the body was to her. "I love a nice golden hashbrown."

Gasping, Jessica pulled the hands away and leaped into the man's arms. His sweet cologne filling her nostrils. "Oh my god. I missed you so much." The man chuckled at her attitude and he faced her, bubbly feelings spreading in his stomach. "I missed you as well. We barely see each other." Jessica laughed and hugged him tighter. "I've missed you more Marcello."

* * * * * * * * * *

870 Words

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