Assassins Of Yesterday - 8

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~~ I will stab you ~~

Jessica hummed as she flipped the golden pancake onto the bowl beside her. "Breakfast is ready!!"

"Oh." The woman was startled at the sound of his voice. She turned around only to see that Matthew was ogling at her, mouth agape. "Is something wrong?" She asked him, suddenly nervous at his ogling. He shook his head, closing his mouth. Jessica nodded slowly. Weird. Shrugging, the agent only reached aside for the bowl containing the pancakes and she placed it on the table. Her son ran into the kitchen, moaning at the smell of the pancakes his mother had cooked. He nodded at Matthew with a knowing smirk and settled into a chair as he reached over for the food. "So, mom, what are we doing today?"

Before she could answer, Jacob continued. "I was thinking we could all go out to the park and hang out and stuff. You know, since you both aren't in an exact hurry to go to your meeting. I mean, he just got here too." Jessica was pouring herself a cup of black coffee as he rambled on. She was utterly confused with him. She threw in a cube of sugar into her coffee and began to mix it. She then faced Jacob, reclining against the counter. "What's with the sudden interest Jacob?"

The boy wasn't surprised at the question as he continued to eat the heavenly made pancakes. He knew his mother was going to ask him this. "Well, Matthew was telling me he was only in Georgia about one time and he didn't get to see around. So, I don't know. I kinda thought we could all go out." He shrugged innocently as he held in a smirk. "I mean unless you're in a hurry to leave mom." The boy knew what he was doing when he made an upset face. He knew his mother couldn't stand the fact that he would be hurt by a mere thought. He wasn't spoiled but he sure knew how to play his cards.

Jessica knew he had something up his sleeve. And she was curious to what he had planned. "Sure, why not?" Then, facing Smith, she plastered a smile. "Do you want us to show you around." Matthew was taken aback by her sweetness. There's something about that smile that's scaring me. Nonetheless, Matthew nodded slowly. "Sure." Jessica broke into a full smile. "Great."

* * * * * * * * *

Jacob walked to the bathroom and as soon as he closed the door, Jessica headed to Matthew's room. She simply barged inside and sat on his bed. Matthew was startled by her actions. Yet he couldn't help but feel the uncanny tingles spreading through his abdomen, "What?"

"Who is our first suspect?" Matthew's happiness slowly died. Oh. He glanced at the folder on top of his desk. Jessica stood and rushed to it and opened it. While she read the information on their first suspect, Matthew was dressing behind her.

Afterward, he stood behind Jessica, leaning inwards to read the file. His breathing sent unwanted shivers down her back and his lips hovered dangerously close to her neck, almost as if he was about to kiss her heated flesh. When she thought she had enough, she closed the folder and turned back, coming to an instant stop as she bumped into Matthew's chest.

"Done already?" Jessica nodded. "Yeah."

Matthew's mind flew out the window and he couldn't think straight as he closed the distance between them. Her heat wrapped sweetly around him and her soothing scent drew him in like a sick puppy. His fingers skimmed over Jessica's rose cheeks which sent tingles to explode down her fingers making them itch in despair to touch him. With her back pressed against the table, Jessica was frozen in place, keeping her immobilized as Matthew continued to close in on her. His orbs were a darker shade, staring intently into hers with as much as fire as their bodies gave out.

Jessica didn't want to fall into something she would later regret. Regardless of the fact that she wanted to kiss the man, Jessica turned away to look at the wall as she concentrated on the information on the file. "When will we be going after him?"

Disappointment filled Matthew. He knew that she wanted it as much as he did, but why was she continuing to fight her feelings? Nonetheless, the man backs away and slumped onto his bed. "Tonight. He's coming back to Georgia tonight." The woman nodded and without anymore spent time, she left out of his room. While the woman was dreading the feelings she knew would eventually be found out, Matthew laid on his bed smiling because he knew Jessica already knew about his feelings.

* * * * * * * * *

Once the vehicle came to a halt in the parking lot, Jacob sprinted out towards the field, leaving his mother yelling at him frantically. "Oh come on mother. You're too slow." Jessica shook her head and turned off their vehicle as Smith stepped out of the car with bags of food in hand. She walked around the car heading towards Matthew and she took a few bags into her hands and they both followed after Jacob who had already run off to the picnic area.

The young boy had already placed the flannel blanket on the grass and was just waiting for his mom and Matthew to arrive. He watched as the adults strolled towards him in silence. Wow, this will be harder than I thought. Sighing, the young boy only sat in silence, brainstorming out any ideas left in his mind.

"You're a bit quiet," Jessica said to her son once she reached him. His chocolate eyes gazed up at her and she chuckled. "Will you confess now why you wanted us to come?" He nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to come here." Jessica was not amused at what he told her. "That's not it." The boy faced his mother and he watched as her eyes intently ogled at him. He chuckled and faced the pond that was in front of him. Matthew was standing down the path. Jessica diverted her curious gaze to Matthew and then faced the boy again. He couldn't possibly want to- "He's not as bad as you make him mom. I know you like him."

Taken aback, the woman blinked a few times and even pinched herself to reassure that she was alive. "Did-did you just say that I like him??" Jacob faced her, allowing a grin to rip out. "Yep." Jessica scoffed at her son's comment and began to pull out a few fruits from the bags they had brought. "I will stab you, Jacob." Her son only snickered before turning away.

Jessica grumbled under her breath. I like him. Ha!! Matthew is anything but the person whom I want to express my emotions too. Matthew? Matthew Smith. The nerve of Jacob.

She hadn't noticed how tight she was holding the fork and stabbing the fruit pieces until her son got up and walked away. She grunted and rage filled her body, causing the fork to bend at an odd angle in her palms. "Ugh!!"

* * * * * * * *

1222 Words

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