Assassins Of Yesterday - 24

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~~ No more than you ever did Sissy ~~

The sound of drilling woke Jessica. Her head pounded and her face felt swollen with heavy pain. The woman grunted, opening her eyes. Everything was upside down. "She's finally awake." Jessica felt her body descend-slowly-to the ground. Her mind was clouded. But she wasn't the only one. Matthew was tied to a large pipe applied in the concrete wall. He had woken a few minutes before Jessica. "M-Matt?" Her voice was groggy and dry.

Suddenly, water was poured over her. Some cascaded into her mouth which clogged her airway. Matthew's cries were muffled by the soaked rag. He watched as Jackson unceasingly poured water over Jessica's face. He stopped and waited as Jessica endlessly coughed out the fluids. He pushed down a lever, sending Jessica to crash onto the ground with a pained groan.

A few men entered the room. Two stepped beside Matthew and two others pulled Jessica up, dragging her limp body beside the shark aquarium.

Phoenix stood beside the woman and he yanked her head up for her to look at him. "You'll pay for killing my mother." He held up her head as he commanded his men to bring in the boys. Fagan, like Jessica, was drenched in water and blood and he was dragged in by a few men. The young man's face was bloody, swollen, cut, and bruised. After Fagan followed an unconscious Jacob.

Matthew grunted as he attempted to free himself when he saw them. The rag slipped from off his mouth. "You bastard!!" The buff man beside him crouched down and slammed his calloused fist on Matthew's already sore face. Phoenix clapped. "Welcome Agents!!"

Seats were brought in. The three assassins were yanked up and tied onto the chairs. Jessica was in the middle with Fagan to her right and Matthew to her left. Jessica watched silently as Phoenix signaled one man. He nodded and took Jacob. Her stomach plummeted. "What...what are you doing?" she questioned breathlessly. The old man chuckled. Fear drove through her mind at his voice. "If you fucking hurt him, I-"

Phoenix grabbed her chin as he stared intently at her. "That's my grandson you're talking about. What type of man would it make me if I killed my kin??" His cackle echoed against the walls. He snapped his fingers. The doors leading into the room swung open, dramatically, and Phoenix walked out.

The assassins only listened to the pace of the footsteps that increased in proximity. A woman with golden hair wrapped in a ponytail, black attire and heels strolled straight ahead. She was a woman of only 46 years of age but she was psychotic. She loved to feed off of the pain of others and torture them.

However, the woman held a curious look as she circled around. Her eyes settling on Fagan. The young man didn't look up in fear of those black orbs that would eventually swallow him into a pit of pain and regret. Matthew looked straight at the woman, though, with hatred seeping every pore in his body. But the woman diverted her gaze to the limp, weak body of Jessica, knowledge on the woman filling her head. Anticipation.

Nonetheless, Jessica was dreading the moment she looked up. Afraid of knowing who the traitor was. Though she already knew, she still feared that her assumptions were right. But her name escaped Jessica's lips before she could stop them. "Sarah."

The woman instantly punched Jessica against her raw cheekbone, causing her knuckles to produce an abrasion on Jessica's skin. Matthew grunted and was able to kick the traitor in her stomach. Two men grabbed Matthew, holding down his shaking body. Fagan, weak, couldn't do anything except watch everything unfold. Jessica spits out a glob of blood; some fell on her ruined jacket. She then began to laugh.

"Find something hilarious Williams?" Sarah questioned amused. "I always knew you were a psychotic bitch," Jessica spat. Sarah clutched Jessica's chin, forcing her drowsy eyes to look back at her. "Are you okay Williams? Daddy always said 'say no to drugs.' Guess the little girl has daddy issues."

Jessica was amused by this. Fagan however, was growing annoyed by the woman's voice. So he spoke up. "No more than you ever did Sissy." Sarah's nose flared angrily at Fagan. How dare he? She nodded at one man and he pressed a Taser on Fagan, electrocuting his every sense. Jessica grunted, attempting to open her eyes fully but the men around her held her down to prevent her from hitting Sarah. "Stop!!"

"Or what?" Sarah taunted. Everything was blurry to the assassins. The drugs injected into their bodies was starting to slowly fry their brains from the immense amount of it given. It was killing them.

Matthew was up first. With the help of some men, Sarah was able to drag the man to the snakes' cases. The crazy woman reached inside a specific case only to lift up a Black Mamba. The men dropped Matthew onto the floor and took steps back. Sarah crouched down beside the moaning man. "Isn't she beautiful?" Matthew rolled his eyes, barely noticing the snake. "Yeah, yeah. She's....beautiful."

Sarah giggled like the teenager that she is and she carefully laid the venomous serpent on Matthew's chest. It's semi-heavy weight made it harder for the agent to breath, considering he was already dying. "What are you doing?" Jessica questioned wide-eyed. Sarah chuckled, still holding onto the serpent's head. "I'm just having some fun."

With not many words, the people around them began to submerge Jessica and Fagan to inhumane torture. Burns, Slashes, Electrification, Drowning. And every procedure brought them closer to death. Sarah was taking them closer to death. For almost an hour of excruciating pain, Phoenix's people stopped took their bodies and placed them in the back of a car. Sarah herself drove the vehicle to the falls.

Upon arrival, Sarah backed the car and threw their bodies into the rushing water. The agents, semi-conscious, greeted the cold water and allowed for emptiness to fill their bodies. Jessica's cold body embraced the sheer numbness and as her lips parted, water rushed inside her path causing a burn as her lungs began to fill with it. Her fingers attempted to grab onto something, anything. Her throat closed and her body descended quicker. Pain subsided.

Closing her eyes, Jessica welcomed the embrace of death.

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1083 Words

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