Assassins Of Yesterday - 23

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~~ Do not open any door and do not go outside. ~~

"Mom?" His voice was soft compared to the low grunts echoing in the basement. The sound of punches being delivered at each other and the low hiss of the mat sliding against the basement floor was an astounding melody that shocked Jacob. It frightened him. It frightened him that he rather enjoyed the sound. He stepped out to the large, sun-lit room. His eyes widened at the spectacular unfolding before his eyes.

Jessica shoved a gloved fist at Matthew and swung her right leg up, hitting the man at the left side of his head. Matthew stumbled to the side, ignoring the heated ear that began to pulse, and he charged at the woman. He directed a cut punch to the woman in her upper abdomen, causing her to gasp at the air that was knocked out of her. Her eyes watered but she was able to flip backward, kicking Matthew's chin.

The man groaned in pain and fell onto his back. The woman jumped on top and held a knife to his throat as Matthew held a gun to her temple. She laughed out as she rested her palms beside Matthew's head.

"That was amazing." Clapping emerged in the room. Matthew and Jessica faced the source only to find Jacob sitting cross-legged with his back against the wall. A smile was plastered on his face. "Jacob," Jessica mumbled in a bit of shock. The boy chuckled and he stood up, reaching for the spare gloves on the hooks. He carefully loosened the laces and slipped the gloves onto his hands. They gave Jacob an uncanny feeling around his fingers. The tips were rough compared to his fingertips.

"Jacob?" Jessica was no sitting, questionably peering at her son. "I want to join the agency mom." His statement caught both adults by surprise. Nonetheless, Matthew was smiling proudly. He was proud of Jacob. Moreover, it was the proud feeling like how a father would have to a son. Jessica, however, was overly shocked. She wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"Are you sure?" Jacob nodded meekly. This was what he wanted and he was sure about it. "You do know what we do, correct?" He nodded once again. "yes, I know what you do. You go around hunting, researching, killing and bringing in bad people. I get to have a whole arsenal box. So, yeah. I know."

Matthew sat up; Jessica still on his lap. He nudged her arm. All he had to do was look at her for her to realize that Jacob wanted to join, willingly. "I will speak with my father then." Jacob smiled brightly at his mother's statement. The excitement was like euphoria running through his veins, igniting a flame he never knew he had. Passion.

Jacob broke into a sprint, throwing his arms around Matthew and Jessica. The heat Matthew was embracing left the man shook. He wanted to have that physical tie with Jacob like how he had before with his deceased daughter, Julie. But how could he? He at least had the emotional tie with him.

"Does this mean we're a family??" The question itself made Jessica blush. Matthew glanced at Jessica and he saw the small smile spreading on the woman's lips. He wasn't hesitant in answering Jacob's question. "Until your mother accepts to officially marry me, we won't be an official family. Yet."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. She faced Matthew with a shocked expression. "Yep. We're marrying once all of this blows over." Jacob couldn't help but feel giddy at how his mother's eyes shone with the happiness he hadn't witnessed in years. He hugs them tighter. "Good."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Jessica was on her way to Jacob's room when her phone rang. The sound made her come to a halt and eyes widen. She whipped the device out and answered the call immediately. "Yes?" Fagan's voice filled her head as he explained the situation. Jessica patiently listened to what the young man was informing her about. For those few minutes, they discussed the procedures they would be taking.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Do not open any door and do not go outside. Okay?" Jacob nodded at his mother. He still wanted to go with them but because he wasn't an official member, yet, he couldn't. Jessica sighed and moved to where the dining table was; her knives and firearms spread out across the tabletop. Jacob continued to aid his mother in charging each firearm and pack them into the duffel bag.

Matthew was going around the house, assuring every lock was in place and that the cameras were running. Once he reassured himself for the tenth time that everything was in place, he darted down the stairs only to see Jacob and Jessica packing the duffel bags into the cargo of the vehicle. He joined them in setting them up. Once done, Matthew nodded at Jessica who sighed. She turned to her son. "Please, be careful. I don't want anything to happen again and just, stay inside this time. Okay??" She embraced her son into a hug as he assured her that he wouldn't.

Matthew then hugged Jacob and told him the same as Jessica before he ran to the driver's side. Jessica waved goodbye at Jacob with the solitary wind. The boy retreated back to the safety of the house and he watched with a grim sensation as they drove away. "Please be okay."

* * * * * * * * * * *

The trees gradually faded away. The silence was comfortable but not for Jessica. Her heart felt like nails were being dug into it. she didn't want to leave Jacob but she had to do it. He may have wanted to join but he wasn't prepared for the gruesome way they were about to encounter. And either way nor were the assassins prepared for what was to occur.

The road before them was endless. Jorim had told Jessica he would call them if the men were on their tail. But her cell hadn't rung. The drive had vibrated a couple of minutes ago but before she could answer, the call was dismissed. Thus, feeding into her fear. As her eyes closed, her cell phone vibrated once more and his name flashed across the screen. She instantly answered it. There was panting on the other side of the call, like if he was running. "Je-Jessica, one of...jackson's men found out I was faking it. He and a few others are Turn back, Williams. Turn b-"

The sound of gunshots went off, causing the assassins to go into a panic. "Jorim?" Jessica called out. She faced Matthew. "We have to turn around right now." Matthew nodded as he swerved mid-road; smoke puffed around them from the rubber of the tires skiing on the road. When it cleared, Matthew pulled the lever onto "D". "Lets-"

Another car forced itself into their vehicle. Jessica yelled as their car tumbled. Both agents pass out.

* * * * * * * * * * *

1207 Words

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