Assassins Of Yesterday - 10

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~~ I saved your wife and kids ~~

Light showered on Jacob as the sun reached its peak in the sky. One eyelid opened. It closed. Both eyes open and he blinked. Yawning, Jacob rubbed his eyes and stretched. He hurriedly dashed to the bathroom and did his morning routine. Finally fresh and dressed, Jacob strolled through the hallway, descending to the kitchen. Jacob stood still. Nothing. Only silence. "Weird," he muttered.

Then his eyes fell on a note, taped to the fridge door. "Jacob, your breakfast is in the oven. Coffee is already made. Matthew and I have decided to go start our business meeting really early. Please lock the door and do not open them. We should be back by 18:00 p.m. I love you. J.W." Jacob chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Love you too." Then sighing, he said "I'm hungry."

* * * * * * * * *

Jessica spat out the glop of blood and she quickly grabbed the limping man's throat. Clutching onto him, she brought her knee up and slammed it against the man's stomach, repeatedly; his body crouched as he held in the pain. The woman swung her leg up and impacted it against his head. The man fell unconscious. The woman chuckled, wiping her lip.

A cuffed man fell on her feet, sprawling fresh blood over her new shoes. Jessica jumped away in disgust and disbelief. "Are you serious??! Damnit!" Matthew emerged from the room to the side. He roared a laugh at her expense. "It's not funny Smith. They're new!!" she whined childishly. Matthew fake pouted and reached out to touch her face when she abruptly stepped back.

He sighed. "Come on Williams." She scowled. "I'm going."

The assassins grabbed the cuffed man and tied him to a wooden chair that belonged in the kitchen. They did the same for the unconscious one as well. While Matthew assured the ropes were tight, Jessica walked over to the counter and slipped the bona knife from out of her pocket. The unconscious man was slapped awake by Matthew and he caught sight of Jessica admiring the sharpness of its tip. Jessica caressed the knife and it caused fright to spread around the man's body, including Matthew. Matthew had never seen Jessica so passionate about knives, or anything with a sharp end.

"Chief executive Taylor Brown," Jessica exclaimed causing the man with a mustache to jump at the sound of glee registering in her voice. "It's been a while. Don't you think?" Mr. Brown flipped his gaze from the woman onto Matthew who only stood with a bored expression. "Mr. Brown?"


"Do you love your family?"

"W-what do they have to do with this?"

"Well, if you talk to me and Jackson finds out, he goes after them. If you don't talk to me, I can go after them. However, I'm offering you a deal." Matthew turned his head to the woman. He was confused since she had not said a word to him throughout the ride nor when they were together in the morning.

"W-what deal?" The woman sighed and exposed a happy smile. She yanked out a chair and sat down backward on it. "I have a few people I can contact to protect your family. Just tell me everything I want and I will have these contacts come in and rescue your family."

Brown exasperated and shook his head. Jessica could see the battle working in the man's eyes. She wasn't much keen on threatening a family but she knew that she wouldn't ever have the guts to actually harm one. Much less if it was because she needed intel on a mission. "I-I can't. What if-" the man drifted off as sobs fell out of his mouth. The man beside him was much like the younger version. While Matthew hadn't noticed this, Jessica had. She remembered that night vividly.

Facing Brown's son, she pointed the knife at him. "You still owe me from that night." Brown quieted down and he faced his son. "What is she talking about?" Jessica smiled softly. "The night your wife was attacked by Jackson's enemies, he had come to me. I saved your wife and kids," she told Brown.

The man's eyes widened. He remembered that night perfectly. He had told his son and daughter to run. They were new in the business with Jackson when a rival of Phoenix had attacked them because they were the ones in charge of collecting bills. They had come across a 16-year-old girl who was in black clothing but had a cut along her hairline. "Jessica?"

"Taylor. Sean. You both know I'm true to my word. You tell me everything, help me. And I in return, will protect your wife and children." Taylor burst into a laugh at how life had taken him to Jessica again. The young assassin that had saved his life a few years back. "You saved my family. It's the least I could do."

* * * * * * * * *

Jacob decreased the volume of his music as he approached closer to the pond. His headphones were plugged in and he had decided he needed some fresh air. He took the opportunity to ride his skateboard as well.

He noticed a girl with black hair play fighting with the woman he had met at the store Ingles. She looked to be about his age and when he shifted he was able to see the happy glint in her eyes as the sun reflected on her hazel orbs. The girl was laughing, sweetly, and she had worn a gray tee with gray sweats. "Wow."

He diverted his gaze feeling his chest heavy from how quick his heart pounded. Sighing, Jacob continued to ride the skateboard but his concentration remained on the girl, causing him to become distracted completely. He soon found himself on the ground and caught sight of the girl watching him with curious eyes. He wasn't hurt from the fall, but his ego sure was hurt.

"Look at him. His whole face looks stupid." His eyes diverted to the boys standing in front of his fallen figure. What the- "Get up!" The boy towering over Jacob nudged his leg with the tip of his sneakers. "Look, I don't want any problems," Jacob said slowly as he stood cautiously. "Arthur!!"

Turning back, Jacob was shocked at seeing the young girl stomping towards them. He didn't utter a word when she brushed past him and shoved 'Arthur' back. But he was surprised. Wow, was all he could think.

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1108 Words

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