Assassins Of Yesterday - 16

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~~ I didn't like it. ~~

Matthew glanced at the rearview mirror. Fagan was asleep, snuggling into the blanket Jessica had covered him with. He was ultimately surprised at the information Jessica was hesitant to divulge, which at the end, she did. He was saddened about the history of the young boy's background. Yet, he still felt uneasy about the stranger boy. He would not let him guard down.

On the other hand, he trusted Jessica's instinct. She trusted the boy and he trusted her.

Beside him, Jessica was uneasy, hurrying Matthew to get to the house. She had a nagging feeling in the low pit of her stomach that made her squirm in her seat. Something about Fagan's words had her nervous about the entire situation. In a way, it was his way of telling her to act before someone else did. But Jessica was not sure if she could tell him.

The light of the safehouse lit up once the car rolled into the driveway. Fagan had woken in a start when Matthew accidentally drove over a rock. Their surrounding was more the silent. It was almost tasting like death to Jessica. Undesireable. "Something isn't right," Jessica mumbled.

The crickets chirping were rising from the trees surrounding their house and the sound of the electricity surging through the power lines was also loud. No light except the outer security lights was on. It was all very.....dark. Jessica couldn't wait and she hastily ripped the belt away from her lap. Fagan quickly took hold of her arm, stopping her. "No. Wait here." Both assassins faced the boy and watched as he unlocked the door to step out. Not a second passed when Fagan suddenly whipped out his gun and shot towards the trees.

There were a low yelp and a thump. Matthew recognized the outline of a body figure falling off a tree onto the ground. "Oh my God." Jessica swung the door open and followed after Fagan. The young man kicked the body over. One bullet had cut right through the center of his head. As Jessica analyzed her surrounding, she felt her heart drop.

Jacob's shoe was on the grass not too far from where they stood, covered in blankets of dirt. She could see the deep scratches imprinted on the sides and the outline of a moving body shadowed on the ground. Stick pieces that had been snapped were beside his shoes and she could see the puddle of blood surrounding it. Some patches were dry but otherwise, the fluids were still liquid.

Knees weak, the woman fell to the ground with tears streaming down her face, clutching onto the shoe as she sobbed. Matthew appeared behind her and he attempted to lift her up but she refused, keeping her eyes glued to the ground. It hurt Matthew to see her in such a situation. He understood the pain of losing your child and he knew that he would have to let it sink in.

"There may be something in the house that can help us find him, Jessica," Fagan told her. Her sobs became short gasps. She grieved silently. There was no way she could have described her pain. But she knew one thing, it was one thing to mess with a mother. It was another to mess with her.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jessica held in no emotion as she squeezed her hand tighter around the woman's chin. "Look into the fucking camera." she ordered the woman. With not much of a choice, the pregnant woman stared into the camera. She feared what the people within her house were going to do to her or her unborn child. All she knew was that her husband must have had done something to get the three people angry. She had no knowledge of what her husband did for a living. All this pregnant woman knew was that her husband was almost never home.

"Jackson," Jessica began. "If you are watching this, which you should be doing because I am on the brink of snapping her fucking neck, then you know what I want." The harshness dawned on the woman and slow tears fell off her face. "I don't like it either Mrs. Jackson."

Then, facing the screen, "You have 24 hours to respond back to me. We will arrange a trade off place and time. If by then, I do not have any response," she paused. Snatching out a knife, she pressed the sharp blade on the woman's neck, hard enough to draw out some blood. "You'll be having a package delivered."

That was Fagan's cue to cut off the camera. "I didn't like it." Matthew murmured softly. Fagan faced the man with a bored expression. "I did. She was very convincing." Matthew's face contorted into one of disbelief and he shook his head, shaking his arms around at Fagan. "What?"

Jessica ignored the conversation as she led the woman to the dining room of the house. She made the woman sit on a chair as she rummaged through the cabinets for a first aid kit and a bowl. Mrs. Jackson sat baffled, watching the assassin serve some of the pasta she had cooking before their arrival and continued to stare when the assassin sat in front of her to tend the cut she had implanted on her neck. Jessica then pushed the bowl in front of the woman, handing her a fork as well. "Eat."

Uneasily, she reached for the fork. The woman glanced at Jessica and the plate and then back to the assassin. Jessica chuckled, shaking her head. "You're pregnant. You need as much nutrients as you can get. While you eat, I will explain everything."

Mrs. Jackson nodded before placing the pasta into her mouth. "Are you really going to hurt me??" Jessica shook her head softly. "No." The woman sighed in relief before looking closely at the young woman sitting in front of her. "You're a mother as well. Aren't you?"

Jessica nodded stiffly. "Son or daughter?" Jessica sighed. "Son." The woman suddenly felt curious about the young woman sitting in front of her. "How old?" Jessica broke out to a sad smile. "He's 7. He has no knowledge about what I do for a living." Mrs. Jackson frowned. "What exactly do you do?"

Agent Williams sucked in air, and exhaled slowly. "I work for the United Nations. An assassins League." Mrs. Jackson nodded silently, taking in the information the woman told her. "What did my husband do for the assassins league to want to go after him?" Jessica inhaled sharply at the question. "He's a drug lord and...."

The woman yanked her hands out of Jessica's grasps at her response. "Child sex..t-trafficking?" Jessica slowly nodded. But before any of them could say anything, Fagan and Matthew busted with panicking expressions into the kitchen.

"We need to leave now!"

* * * * * * * * * *

1166 Words

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