Assassins Of Yesterday - 27

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~~ Was it Arthur? ~~

Jacob had awoken to a sudden piercing pain shooting across his face. However, the moment he opened his eyes, he became frightened. For one, what he would have thought was his room ceiling was now clouds and a blue sky. He caught hints of birds migrating from the corner of his eyes and an autumn breeze smacked against the side of his face.

Even the trees seemed to make fun of him as they waved and shook alongside the breeze.

"How's the view?"

Jennifer frightened Jacob; the girl broke into soft laughter when he attempted to look at her but to no avail was his body able to do such as to he was tied down to the rails. The thick ropes stretched from his ankles, under the rails, over his hips, under the rails, over his wrists, and under the rails again where thick double knots were located. He felt trapped.

"What's happening?"

Jacob couldn't help but swallow his nervousness building in his mouth and his entire body went into a frenzy as he watched Jennifer cautiously crawl over him until her head rested on his stomach and her legs entwined with his. His breathing became ragged; saliva production within him seemed to have accelerated as well. "Relax dude." She told him with a chuckle. Tingles invaded his body, making twitch or jump at any slight movement from Jennifer's body.

"Jessica tied you up on the car roof as punishment for fighting with Arnold. She claimed the fresh air would help clear your mind." Jacob became unamused. "That's some bs," he claimed.

Jennifer chuckled, sending vibrations rippling down his abdomen which made him gasp inaudibly. "I'll be going now. Have a nice trip, Jacob."

She left him to ponder as she slipped back inside the car. The moment the door slid shut and clicked, he snapped out of his trance and he became frustrated. "HEY!!"

* * * * * * * * * *

Jacob remained quiet as the adults bickered at who was the best agent and who has been the most successful. In all honesty, he was becoming frustrated as boredom was now seeping into his being. He couldn't join the conversation, considering it would probably end up with his mom running after him with a knife and he could talk with Jennifer at the moment since she was on the phone speaking to Arnold, his nemesis.

Why is she talking to him? We're on a trip. Shouldn't she be talking to me?

"I don't care!!!"

The adults turned to face at the source of the voice only to see Jennifer throw her cell phone into the lake and start stomping away from the water and onto the mainland but away from the others as well.

Carol exasperated rubbing her hand over her face. "What was that?" Ricardo questioned. Carol looked at Matthew and nodded before she walked away towards her daughter. Jessica and Ricardo faced Matthew in a questionable manner. "Spill."

"Arnold and Jennifer were best friends back in pre-school. There was an incident in their second year in Elementary school. Supposedly, Arthur's friends were saying how much of a girl Arthur was becoming because he hung out with Jennifer too much. Arthur-being the boy he is- said that he was just hanging out with her because he didn't want her to be a loner. Needless to say, Jennifer overheard and let's just say the beating she left him with was enough to scar us all for life."

Jacob listened intently at the words seeping from Matthew's mouth. Moreover, he was shaking in rage that Jennifer and Arthur were best friends. That idiot? he pondered. He shook his head, nonetheless, and stood up, walking in the same direction in which he saw Jennifer walking away.

While Matthew and the others continued to speak about the situation, Jacob walked until he found Carol soothing a crying Jennifer. It hurt him seeing her so sad and broken.

Carol looked up, noticing the boy and she silently nodded, motioning for him to approach her. Jennifer-too overwhelmed to notice her mother stand up -didn't feel her mother leave nor when a new body settled beside her. She could only concentrate on how the pain she felt back then was hitting her like baseball bats. Her stomach felt heavy and empty like.


Jennifer turned away from Jacob, wiping her tears ferociously and she began to stand up but Jacob took hold of her wrists, pulling her down. "What's the matter?" She shook her head. She didn't feel that he would understand the pain she was going through. She knew he didn't like him much less would he like him now if she told him what happened. "Was it Arthur?"

She instantly shook her head, denying the truth and causing her hair to fall like curtains over her face. But Jacob wasn't having it. He lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger only to come in eye-to-eye contact with her bloodshot eyes. "Hey, it's not your fault your childhood best friend was too much of an idiot to say those things about you."

She scoffed. "Tell me, Jacob, would you have done the same if your friends would have said that to you."

He shook his head. "My mom has always taught me that we are all equal. There are only those people who decide to change the beautiful things they have in life. Trust me, if one of my friends had said something like that, I wouldn't say what he told them. I would have told them off and went with you because you are too precious."

Jennifer chuckled and Jacob pulled her carefully down to sit on his lap as they settled on the leaves that were spread out all over the ground. Jennifer craved the heat of his body which she happily embraced when Jacob hugged her tightly and unceasingly kissed her head.

"Thank you, Jacob," she whispered. He looked down at her with amused eyes. "For what?" Jennifer closed her eyes, slowly leaning up to kiss his cheek. "For being you."

* * * * * * * * * *

The fire crackled and the wood was steadily burning up. Everyone was sitting around the pit while roasting sausages. Jessica was sitting between Matthew's legs. Jacob and Jennifer were lying on the grass, speaking about varied things. While Carol and Ricardo were off gathering wood for the fire.

Jessica laughed as Matthew gave her a disgusted look when she threw the burnt sausage to his mouth. Ricardo tapped Matthew's shoulder and simply added as to signal him that everything was good. Matthew exhaled and nudged Jessica's arm. "What?" He took ahold of her arm. "Get up."

Jessica reluctantly stood, confused as to why. She could tell that something was going on if Carol and Ricardo were fidgeting with their fingers and exchanged nervous glances. She couldn't help but think if her brother was going to profess his undying love to Carol which the idea itself left her shook since she saw no sign that they flirted or whatnot. Nonetheless, it excited her.

Jacob noticed the tension spreading around in the atmosphere. He quickly sat up, looking at the agents with worry. Jennifer also sat upright. "What's going on?"

Matthew faced Jessica; a look of nervousness rippled through his body and sweat was already forming a crystal headband across his hairline. "I know you hate romantic speeches so I've made mine really, really short. I love you and I love Jacob like a son. And...I would love it if you married me."

Jessica went speechless as he went down on one knee; a ring laid undisturbed in his palm. Her hands trembled with shock that she couldn't manage to reach out for him. "I.." Matthew grew more and more nervous when Jessica didn't say anything. Only the sound of the fire crackling filled the air. "Jessica?" She could see the fear and distress in his eyes. It hurt her that she couldn't muster her voice. Instead, she took his arm and pulled him up. Matthew's expression broke. "Jess-"

And she cut him off with a kiss. "Yes."

* * * * * * * * *

13 Words

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