Assassins Of Yesterday - 25

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~~ Ricardo, is she dying? ~~

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" Carol and Lawrence sat on the couch, unaffected by Ricardo's desperate cries. They didn't move when he began to yell at a nurse in the hallway nor when he burst through the double doors. The room felt lifeless, quiet, and solitary. The only sound filling the air was the constant sniffing and the continuous beeps of the three heart monitors.

"Carol?" The woman wiped her eyes and she stood, embracing Ricardo into a comforting hug. Their hearts were pumping ferociously, dreading the moment the assassin's hearts gave out. "How are they?"

Carol sighed and parted from the man to sit back down beside her daughter. "There was so much drug in their bloodstream. The doctors had to do some sort of confidential procedure to drain out all the drug residue in their bodies. They don't even know what the drug is. Never seen it nor have any previous records to it. But, they are healing. Just very slowly. Fagan and Jessica contain more destructive...inflicted damages than Matthew."

Ricardo sat down beside his sister's bed. "Such as?" He was afraid of knowing what they had done to his sister, but he needed to know what they were dealing with. He looked up expectantly at Carol, who only shook her head and diverted her gaze. Jennifer patted her mother's back and scooted up from the couch. "Mere concussion. Stabbed multiple times all throughout her body. Submerged in bleached water. Brutally beaten. Electrocuted."

Her voice was small and soft but clear enough to be heard. "Shall I continue?"

"No." Instead, Ricardo questioned how long had his sister and the others been out. "Three days." He stood abruptly, sending his chair to slam into the wall behind him. "Three days?! Why in hell am I just finding out??!!"

Carol stood up to her feet, angry that he was accusing her of not notifying him earlier. "We were just informed of her state. You want someone to blame, blame your jackass of a father!!" She said nothing else and walked out of the room. Ricardo faced Jennifer in disbelief and shock and the young girl simply shrugged, pointing at the door. "She said it, not me." It was then that Ricardo noticed Jennifer's depressed state. He sighed and sat beside the girl. "Where's Jacob?"

Jennifer was afraid of what Phoenix would do to him. Her heart pumped faster and adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her stomach felt heavier as tingles spread throughout her. She didn't know where he was and that scared her. She suddenly stood, ignoring Ricardo's question on Jacob's whereabouts. She walked towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"I need some air."

* * * * * * * * * *

The sound of beeping was constant for those next three days. There was no telling what would happen when they'd wake up. As far as the doctors were concerned, their hearts were still pumping. Nonetheless, the procedures to remove the venom left their bodies weak. It was a matter of time before one of them gave out.

* * * *

Ricardo sat on the couch for hours with Jennifer resting on his lap. She had quickly fallen asleep as soon as he wrapped his arms around her shivering body. The lack of sleep had finally gotten to her, leaving no room for debation. She reluctantly accepted it and now, Jessica's brother wondered about the pain his sister must have experienced.

As the man's eyes dropped, he didn't bother to check on the monitor. The atmosphere was an uncanny comfortable cool room and the man couldn't fight the drowsiness drilling within the depths of his body. The monitor connected onto Jessica began to beep faster and then it went down; her heartbeat stopped and the lines went straight.

Jennifer awoke with a start and she ran alongside Ricardo towards Jessica. The young girl quickly pressed the button to alert the doctors. "JESSICA!!" Ricardo was frantically shouting at his sister to wake up; he shook her but to no avail did she react. And then another machine went off.

Jennifer's head snapped to Matthew's bed where the man was unplugging himself from the IV in a drowsy state. His head turned to the machine with widening eyes and the man stumbled to his feet. Ricardo dashed towards him, attempting to stop Matthew from standing. "Stop!!" Matthew shook him off, wobbling to her side. "No, she's dying?? Ricardo, is she dying??!"

Doctors and nurses burst through the doors. Carol followed suit. The woman instantly rushed to Jessica's limp body and she pressed two fingers to her friend's neck. Nothing but cool flesh heated her shaking fingers. The doctors ran aside, checking that the wires were all plugged in and that the computer was intact. The IV was still functioning correctly. Yet, Jessica's body wasn't.

A nurse moved to Fagan's monitor and was relieved to know that the young boy was still alive. In that moment, a man strolled through the door, coming to a halt at the view of the many doctors and nurses surrounding his daughter's bed. He looked around. The grim expressions everyone wore only confirmed it. He didn't have a very close relationship with his daughter but it didn't mean he didn't love her. He couldn't shake off the feeling haunting him.

Jessica had died.

* * * * * * * * * *

Three hours later, Fagan awoke. His eyes were dazed and it took the young man a few minutes to wake fully. When he was able to see, he noticed Matthew sitting on a pale Jessica's bed. The man's back was to him but he was able to notice the light rocking of his shoulders. Matthew was crying. "Jessica?" His voice was hoarse yet understandable. He was, however, confused when she didn't reply or turn his way. Matthew faced him; his eyes were raw red. "You're awake."

Fagan sat still, removing the wires. Instantly, the machine beeped but the young man smashed the device. "Is she..." Matthew didn't have to answer. Fagan already knew what the answer was. Standing, Fagan limped over to the seat and began to pull on the clean clothing in the bag. Matthew was already in his attire. He had changed after everyone left the room. "Do you remember where it is?" Matthew questioned Fagan. He nodded. "Yes."

The man wasted no time in grabbing his firearms. Fagan needed no words to know where they were headed. Both agents slipped away and made it to the parking lot where they hotwired a vehicle. Anger and thirst for revenge fueled them as they rose the car towards his home where hopefully, Jacob was.

* * * * * * * * * *

1132 Words

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