Assassins Of Yesterday - 26

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~~ No need to be an ass, sheesh. ~~

"I stand before a protection league that has sworn to protect the life of the individuals and its nation. I hereby declare that I will forever remain loyal to my government and accept my orders with comprehension. I will give my superiors no reason to suspect any defiance on my behalf. I accept the role in the protection of my country."

Jacob extended his arm, allowing for the Founding Fathers to draw out the assassins league sign over his palm. The boy winced at the pain but remained motionless. Once the dagger was completely coated with his blood, the primary founding father put the dagger aside to dry. Manuel stepped up and handed Jacob a small towel for his cuts.

Manuel then looked at the boy square in the eye and a smile stretched over his facial expression. "I now welcome Jacob Williams as a member of the Assassins League of the United Nations in the United States District!!"

Clapping filled the room and Jacob hurried down a hallway towards the doctor's office to attend the cuts. There, Jessica and Matthew were waiting for him. "I'm proud of you Jacob," his mother told him. Matthew nodded, agreeing to Jessica's statement. The boy sighed. "It feels nice to finally know I'm completing the last piece of my life."

The doctor chuckled at Jacob's comment. "You're all patched up. Just keep your hand from moving much." Jacob nodded and glanced at the intertwined fingers of Jessica and Matthew. "Should I start calling you dad?" Matthew laughed at the uncertainty registering in Jacob's voice. "No, you don't." Jacob exhilarated. "Good."

* * * * * * * * * *

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" All the assassins were in the big conference room celebrating Jacob's birthday and his welcoming of the league. There were many people and countless of tables spread out. Everyone was dressed in formal black attire for the party.

Jacob was introduced to countless of people while Jennifer was by his side. He was happy he could share his birthday with his new co-workers but he was more excited about spending more time with Jennifer. He couldn't deny the fuzzy bubbles exploding within his stomach whenever Jennifer hugged him or blushed at the mere glances he gave her. And Jennifer, she wouldn't stop giggling when Jacob grazed her arm or when his dark eyes focused on her. She liked him just as much as he did to her. They were just in denial.

The music turned to a slow song and Jacob seized the opportunity as he took Jennifer's hand. "Where are we going?" Jacob remained quiet while he led her to the dancing area and held her waist. "We're going to dance."

Matthew and Jessica were a few feet away from them. While Jacob and Jennifer remained quiet throughout their dance, the adults spoke softly. Matthew, however, always managed to say naughty things to Jessica that would end up with an entirely new conversation. "What would you do if I started touching you, Williams?" Jessica pecked his cheek and continued to dance with him. "I'd cut your fingers off." Matthew laughed softly at how easy the statement rolled off her tongue. "Really?" She hummed in response.

Matthew leaned his head down, capturing her lips. He lightly sucked on her bottom lip before pulling away. His heated orbs concentrated on the cloudy ones of the woman's. With a new want, Jessica pulled Matthew closer and meshed their mouths in a heated kiss. Matthew's tongue lapped over Jessica's, bringing a different type of need to come over them. Matthew's pants strained against him and the woman's legs had started to feel like Jell-O.

"Wait," she gasped. Matthew parted in confusion. He looked straight at her, attempting to meet her eyes but she wouldn't look up. "We don't have to do anything Williams." The woman shook her head. "It's not that." She motioned him outside to where the balcony was located. "What is goi-" Matthew stopped talking when he noticed Manuel outside with a file in his hands. "What is it?"

"Within is the case. All we need is some evidence of his.......production and I need you two to sort through any intel of his house." Jessica took the file. "By when do you need this?"

"By Monday."

"We're going out tomorrow, coming back on Monday and we have one more errand to do." Manuel shrugged. "You're errand can be done by Sunday night. Your trip can but cut and then re initiated." Jessica scowled, giving him a look of disgust. "No need to be an ass, sheesh."

"I'm your father. Don't speak to me like that." Jessica scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "You have a funny way of showing it then." Manuel groaned at the difficulty of their conversation. "I try my best Jessica." The statement got Jessica mad and she simply shook her head. "Riiight. Because you're Manuel Williams and you always try your hardest."

"Jessica." She said his name with the same monotone. "Manuel."

"OOOKAY!!" Matthew snatched the file and he smiled innocently at the Williams before walking away. Jacob appeared in front of him. "Where's my mom?" Matthew snorted and faced the balcony doorways where Jessica and Manuel were discussing. "Bickering with Manuel."

"Again?" Jennifer questioned once she reached them. She offered Matthew a glass of champagne and gave Jacob the glass of juice. Jennifer watched at how easy Matthew gulped the liquor. Matthew faced the girl. "What?" Jennifer shook her head. "Men." Disbelief poured over him. Just as he was about to speak, Jennifer yelped.

Arthur stood behind Jennifer with a smug smile. Jacob lifted his fist but Jennifer grabbed him. "No." Arthur tsked. "Jennifer, when you're down playing with your toy, meet me in the balcony."

Jacob broke free and attacked Arthur. Jessica and Manuel rushed inside at the sound of the commotion. Arthur shoved Jacob onto the table where the cake was and the agents around ran to keep it secured from falling. Jacob stood up and grabbed Arthur by the neck to push him against the beverage stand where nobody was.

The table flipped. All the beverages fell and both boys jumped at each other to fight again. While Manuel and Matthew went to separate them, Jennifer noticed that they wouldn't be able to. Instead, Jennifer strolled to them and with two good punches, she knocked both boys out of their senses.

* * * * * * * * * * 

1088 Words

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