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Joey's POV:
We've been waiting over four hours to see Cat, in this white and creme waiting room, on these uncomfortable chairs. How much longer?

Finally a nurse approaches us and says:

Nurse: Cat is stable and awake, hopefully she will fine.

Joey: could we see her?

Nurse: yes of course, right this way. Now she's weak and needs her rest so only five minutes.

She leads us in the room and get was Cat, bruised, stitches on her temple to her cheek, along with a bandaged arm.

Joey: Cat?

Cat: Joey?

Joey: yes, it's me. I heard you got in car accident and came to see you.

Cat: that's sweet of you, am i going to die?

Daniel: no, the nurse said you will be fine.

Cat: well I have a lot to live for. Listen Joey, I have something I need to tell you. Daniel could you give us some space?

Joey: whatever you need to tell me, you say it to both of us.

Daniel: it's alright, I'll give you space Cat.
Daniel said as he left the room to wait outside.

Joey: what is it then?

Cat: I have been hiding something from you Joey for a long time.

Joey: and what is that then?

Cat: years ago, remember when we were at a party and how we got really drunk and how we thought it would be really funny to have sex.

Joey: what about that, it's not like you got pregnant or something?

Cat: I have lied to you about not being pregnant when actually I was pregnant and didn't tell you as I didn't want to ruin you and Daniel's relationship, since you were so perfect for each other.

Joey: what?! So you were pregnant this whole time, please tell me you had an abortion.

Kat: I kept it, I was going to but I just couldn't do it. So I went through with it and raised the child myself.

Joey: I can't believe you! So all this time you have lied to me about not being pregnant when actually you were all this time!

Cat: i'm so sorry I lied but I didn't want to ruin you and Daniels relationship, since you two were so happy together. I'm so sor.....*passes out*

Beep! Beep!

Joey: cat! Cat wake up! Wake up! Help!

Nurses and doctors rushed in and gathered round her, hooking her to a life support machine.

Doctor: she's in a coma, I need life support now!
The doctor said as a nurse was giving him the bag of liquid, which a tube was attached to, inserting it in her arm.

Joey: is she going to be ok?

Doctor: I don't know, she might or might not be. It's not easy when they're in a coma.

Joey: oh my god!
I said in tears

Doctor: I think it's best you leave.

A Child I Never Knew About | #Janiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now