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Cat's POV:
I'm lonely. I can't believe Joey's not letting me have Kacey back. I'm her mother, she belongs with me not him, plus he wasn't the one who raised her, I raised her. For eleven years I was there for her and there was no problems until now, so what if I drink I can still have Kacey.

Even though one of my boyfriends dumped me a few months ago, I can still take of a child. And those social workers are useless, I got them involved to help me get Kacey back but their doing the complete opposite.

Looks like I'm going to have to do this myself. And I know how.

Joey's POV:
After laughing so hard, we looked around and saw that Kacey was nowhere to be seen. We looked around and couldn't find her. We went up stairs and looked in her room, but she's not in there.

Kacey's POV:
I'm still trying to process some of the stuff that I saw and I'm guessing they used them during sex. It's messed up.

Looking round even further, I saw stuff in the drawers. Papers, documents which meant nothing. It's not until I open a box and find papers of all kinds of stuff. One of the papers caught my eye, I open it fully and it was a picture of him and mum. The picture was dated December 31st 2013, before I was born.

In the picture was Mum and Joey. Both holding a glass of champagne as Joey has his arm round Mum, looking carefully I can see some of mum's friends in the background, all holding glasses of champagne. Then I feel another piece of paper behind it, it was another picture and this one had me shook.

In the picture was Mum and Joey. Mum had her hands on his shoulders, as Joey had his hands on her waist, their foreheads were touching and they were both smiling. Wait what?! Were they in a relationship? But wait, it can't be Joey's gay, there's no way he would be in a relationship her. Was he lying about being gay? What if he's actually bi? What if he still likes Mum? No if he still liked her, he wouldn't be married to Daniel.

I don't know really, but it's confusing. I put the pictures back where I found them, along with the other stuff. I closed the drawers, making it look like they weren't touched. I then go over to cupboard and open the doors and boy I regret it.

Inside there were more toys like the ones on the bed, but these look more extreme. I saw more hand cuffs but these ones were red and very fluffy. Then there was something that looked like guys penis, like seriously why?! And it was black as well, like seriously are they ok? I saw even more and a packet that had two small clamps and a ring, when I read it carefully they were nipple clamps, like what?! Are they ok?! This could probably damage your body! I threw them back in the cupboard. And was about to put earthing I. There back to where it was but before I could do that, I heard the door creaking open.

Joey: oh there you are! What are you doing in here? And what is in your hand?!

I forgot I was still holding the handcuffs, oh damn it!
Kacey: there was a smell and it was coming from here. And this well.....

Daniel: well you shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't be touching things that aren't yours.

Joey looked around and saw that the cupboard of toys was open still, he then looked at me with shock. Then he looked down at my hands and saw that my right hand was holding the hand cuffs.

Joey: you have been touching sex toys! Kacey, no you shouldn't be.

I remained quiet but then said

Kacey: well it's messed up to handcuff somebody during it.

Joey: that's the whole idea. What have you been doing, trying on handcuffs?

Kacey: no, have you been trying on dildos and uh Nipple clamps? Which could probably damage your body.

Joey: no. And if they damaged your body they wouldn't be selling them.

Kacey: but it's messed up.

He then snatched the handcuffs from me and puts then back in the cupboard, closing it.

Daniel: why did you come in here again?

Kacey: To know where the smell was coming from, that's all.

Joey: next time, leave things alone that don't concern you.

Kacey: ok, ok. But question.

Joey: what?

Kacey: there was something wet on the bed and when I touched it, it was white and gooey. What is it?
I said holding up my hand that had white gooey stuff stuck to my fingers. Daniel started laughing and so did Joey. What was so funny?

Daniel: oh my god, I just can't!

Kacey: what is this stuff?

Joey: that white stuff is cum, sweetie. Can't believe you touched it! Ha, ha!

Kacey: what?!.............EW EW EW EW!

Daniel: here's the funny part, it's my cum! Ha, ha!

Kacey: I think I'm gonna throw up.

Author's Note:
Oh dear! Poor Kacey just found out she touched her step dad's cum! But I'll be back with a new part.

Bye! :)

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