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Daniel's POV:
I rushed Kacey to the hospital. As soon as we arrived, I saw she was bleeding uncontrollably, her top was soaked with blood. I carried her into the hospital, as soon as I walked in I was yelling for help.

Daniel: help, help! My child is hurt, she's unconscious! She's bleeding!

Within seconds doctors rushed over, bringing a wheel bed. I laid her on it as doctors examined her.

Doctor: sir what is your name?

Daniel: my name is Daniel. Please help, she's hurt her back, she's bleeding from there.

The doctors rolled Kacey over to her stomach and saw the wound, there was swelling and a bone was poking out.

Doctor: oh my god, get her into theatre now!

Daniel: what's going to happen?

Doctor: we have to perform surgery immediately, to stop the bleeding and to put the spinal bone back into place, hopefully from there she should be fine and recover in a few months. What's the girls name?

Daniel: Kacey, her name is Kacey.

Doctor: we will make sure Kacey is ok. I'll have a nurse take you to the relatives room.

Daniel: ok, thank you.

Doctor: no problem and don't worry we will make sure Kacey is fine.

From there a nurse took me to the relatives room. I sat down nervously biting my lip. I decided to ring up Cat and tell her about happened since she's Kacey's mother after all. Even though she drinks, she still has the right to be here.

After minutes, Cat came in with tears down her face. I'm guessing they told her what happened.

Cat: Daniel, who did this to Kacey? Because whoever it is I will hunt them down and kill them.

Daniel: her father aka your ex Joey.

Cat: what?! Why would he do this her, she's his child and my child.

Daniel: he hasn't been the same lately.

Cat: yeah, I saw all the hate he was getting after Kacey revealed what went on behind closed doors between her and Joey.

Daniel: Joey's gone a little nuts because of it. He even shaved his head because a bunch of haters said so.

Cat: what?! Oh my, I just can't imagine Joey doing that.

Daniel: I can't even believe he would do this to Kacey.

Cat: I should have never revealed Kacey to him. If I didn't none of this would have happened. But then I felt I had to because I still love him.

Daniel: you did what you had to do, you couldn't hide her father from her forever.

Cat: I'm worried about her, doctors have told me she lost a lot of blood. What if she doesn't make it?

Daniel: I'm sure she will, Kacey's strong.

Hours later.....

Cat fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. Soon a doctor walks in which makes cat wake up with a little hope in her eyes.

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