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"How did you get in here?"

I slowly turned a round it was a man with dark brown hair, that was long along with a town jacket and dark checkered pants.

Kacey: you don't understand why I have to do this.

Man: you took something, something that the group may need.

Kacey: I need it, to help someone. Besides what's your name?

Man: Mortimer, yours?

Kacey: Kacey.

Mortimer: then why Kacey are you taking this?

Kacey: like i told you before Mortimer, I need it for something.

Mortimer: take off your mask, and talk to me properly.

'He's a human of this world, his head won't get messed up.'

I took off my mask, revealing my face. He look shocked.

Kacey: there did it and it's nothing to be shocked by.

Mortimer: you look like someone.

Kacey: Joey, knew you were gonna say that.

Mortimer: why are you doing this?

Kacey: Joey has a connection towards darkness, it's slowly blackening his heart till no light is left. Good and evil must be balanced, I was sent here to restore his goodness so in future he won't turn dark. And that's why I need this and have to do this.

Mortimer: but Joey seems perfectly fine. Now who are you to him?

Kacey: No one.
I lied, it was a really bad lie, let's face it. I panicked ok.

Mortimer: really so some strange girl, who happens to look like Joey is trying to take something well it's a first.

Kacey: Joey is not fine, this is only just the beginning you have to believe me.

He remained silent. I was telling the truth, why can't he see that?

Kacey: if you care about Joey, you would let me do this. Let me go.

He stepped out the way, letting me past.

Mortimer: if I see you again it's not going to be an easy exit.

I kept that in mind and walked out the arcade, sighing in relief that he let me go. I had to keep moving. The voice comes back to my mind saying;

'Welcome you have succeeded in retrieving the angel halo.'

Kacey: how do I get the others?

'The second artefact is the vial of Angel tears, you will find it somewhere in the toy shop.'

The voice leaves as I hurried off to the toy shop, getting inside before anyone can see me. I closed the door and looked around for the vial of angel tears, I then see a note saying;

'Clattering tears like rain on the glass.'

I looked in any glass object I could find, even the windows, it not till I see something glowing between the window and the doll. I moved the doll out the way and there it was the vial of angel tears. I quickly put it in my leather pouch along with the halo.

A Child I Never Knew About | #Janiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now