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Daniel's POV:
Joey had followed Kacey up stairs, making me and my mum follow. He went into her room, where she was. I hope he doesn't hurt her. As I carefully listened against the wall to what they were saying:

Joey: so Kacey, ever since your mother talked to us at the hospital I've been different ever since.

Kacey: what do you mean?

Joey: well I mean.... well I kinda had some things I need to say.

Kacey: Kinda? Just get to the point.

Joey: ok, ok.

Is he going to say what I think he's going to say.

Joey's POV:
Why is this so difficult? Oh yeah! Because I've been mistreating Kacey and already I'm starting to feel bad for it. But it's fine to, since what I did was wrong. By seeing the look on Kacey's face during this conversation, she had a little hope in her eyes.

Kacey: what is it then?

Joey: you know when you first came to stay with me and Daniel, and how badly I acted towards you?

Kacey: yeah still remember that and always will.

Joey: I should have never treated you that way, now as I think about it I feel awful. I'm sorry.

Kacey: I don't know what to say to this, I mean you treated me like dirt for several days, making me feel unwanted. I not ever going to forget that. But why?

Joey: because I was shocked and angry at the time because your mother had been lying and hiding something from me for so long and it isn't till years later, finding out the truth, and that your mother had been raising you alone. I was angry and annoyed because if she had told me the truth, I could have been there for you throughout the years I could have been there.

Kacey: and since you weren't, I just kept bugging mum and asking her about who my father was and she never told me, she kept saying stuff like 'he left a long time ago' or even 'you wouldn't want to know your father because he's insane, mental'. I was lied to for years. She even didn't want any friends of hers to see me. I never understood why though.

Joey: wait so not only that she has been hiding you from me but also from our friends! But why though, they would have no idea who you are.

Kacey: I look nothing like mum, they would start questioning me and figuring out that you and mum are hiding something from them. I bet when mum had me, she probably thought that she gave birth to you for a second. She even hoped that I would look more like her, but since I didn't she was worried.

Joey: do you know their names?

Kacey: yeah in fact a few weeks ago she had three people round, and their names were: Shane, Megan and Sawyer. They were hanging out and doing videos together, because I could hear them from upstairs.

Joey: Shane would definitely figure you out and so would Megan. She's probably worried that they might expose you to the internet.

Kacey: well the fans would probably hate me and say that I ruined a relationship by being born.

Joey: it's not your fault. It's actually me and your mothers fault that it happened, but it happened. But at the same time I feel that me and your mother have done something right which was you.

Kacey: really? Like are you serious?

Joey: of course. I mean your mother before she had you, she was very irresponsible. Whatever money she earned from YouTube, she spends. I was surprised that she didn't go broke or loose her house. But then she just changed after a few months, she was saving money instead of spending it. At the time I never knew why.

A Child I Never Knew About | #Janiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now