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Joey's POV:
I'm fuming! I can't believe Kacey wrote those things and the fact that she plans on ruining her reputation at 18, makes it worse. Even though Daniel calmed me down and reassured me that Kacey won't make the same mistake I did, I'm still mad.

Joey: I need time to process this.

Daniel: fine, but your apologising today

Kacey's POV:
I'm still upset about the whole thing that happened earlier. Not only that but the fact Joey my own dad called me 'Disgusting', which is something that's locked in my head.

'Your Disgusting, I can't even look at you!'

'Disgusting little girl, can't believe you my child!'

'Your Disgusting!'

These words stay locked in my mind, I hear it repeat over and over again like a continuous tape, and I'm crazy! I fell to my knees with my hands on my head trying to block out the words, but it was no good. I banged my head on the floor, trying to knock the memory out, but that was no good either.

I remained kneeled down on the floor, bent over with my forehead touching the floor. I rolled over to my side and got up, going into the bathroom. I stood there looking at my self in the mirror.

I looked a mess, face reddened, puffy eyes, stained with tears, messy hair. Pulled out my brush and brushed it, when it got stuck, I cried a little. I pulled it out the brush, getting so worked up, I threw the brush on the floor in rage. Don't know why I did it. I picked it up and threw it in the draw.

I banged my fist on the surface, till my arm got tired. I looked in the cabinet and there was nothing. Just nothing.

I went into my parents bedroom, I went into their bathroom and saw all kinds of things, I took out a tube of pills and a few blades, I went to my room and into the bathroom.

I can't live with this. A Dad who once accepted me and now hates me, a mother who drinks and is dangerous to be around, no longer having Rick by my side at school. What's the point in living? I turned the taps on, of the bath tub, I picked up the blade, running it across my wrist as blood flowed out, dripping into the sink. I got into the tub, which was full of hot water, but I didn't care. I continued cutting myself till the water was stained with my blood. Both wrists cut and bleeding, by my side was the pills.

I opened it and took the whole thing, throwing the plastic cylinder on the floor. I leaned back in the tub, letting the water take me, I felt the pills kick in. I slowly started to loose consciousness and closed my eyes.

Joey's POV:
I sat there processing what happened earlier, it gets interrupted till I hear Daniel say;

Daniel: what is that noise?

We listened carefully, it sounded like water. Which instantly made me realise its Kacey.

Joey: Kacey.

Daniel: oh god.

We rushed upstairs, bursting through the doors of her bedroom. I banged on the bathroom door.

Joey: Kacey! Kacey! Open the door!!!! Kacey!
I screamed, and tried forcing the door open, it wouldn't open.

Joey: it won't open!

A Child I Never Knew About | #Janiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now