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Kacey's POV:
I felt very hurt by what Joey said. I finished eating and put my plate in the sink, suddenly I hear voices and it sound just like the voice in the other world. I listen carefully to it:

"Come this way."

I followed it upstairs, it seems I'm the only that can hear it, as Joey and Daniel didn't react at all. I'm guessing they can't hear it. I went all the way to my room, the door shuts by its self, as the voice then says;

"We have seen how hard it is for you to manage all this. Your father treating like dirt is unacceptable. If you want we can give you the power to kill him."

Kacey: I may not like my father, but I wouldn't kill him.

"Alright but however we didn't call you just for that. There is something we need your help of."

Kacey: and what is that?

"We need you to go back in time and help out a group. Your father is in that group, if you help them, you may be able to restore his goodness."

Kacey: wait what? What are you talking about?

"Why your father suddenly is like this, is because he is linked towards darkness, and unfortunately, so are you. You both know when evil is going to strike. But sadly for your father, the darkness is blackening his heart, he's finding it hard to fight. Which is why he apologised and then turns bad on you. His goodness is fading which is why your father is treating you like dirt."

Kacey: if what your saying is true, then is it possible to change him or unlink him from the darkness?

"Unfortunately no, it is not a choice, it's something your born with and have to learn to control. Don't let the darkness get to you, as for your father he couldn't fight anymore and let the darkness get to him."

Kacey: oh so, how am I suppose to restore his goodness?

"Enough has been said, you'll find out more soon enough."

The voice leaves me. I didn't know what to do now but knowing it was from the unreal world. Maybe the solution to finding out more to is to return there. But how.

I come downstairs and see Joey collapsed on the floor and Daniel trying to shake him awake. Did the other world do this?

Kacey: what happened?

Daniel: I don't know it's like one minute he's fine and the next minute, he's collapsed. It doesn't make much sense.

Daniel picked him up and took him upstairs to the bedroom. It's weird how Joey just collapsed like that. I checked his pulse and thankfully he had one. I don't understand how he can just collapse like that.

Daniel: I'm gonna get him some water. Please can you keep an eye on him?

Kacey: sure

Daniel: thanks

He went downstairs, I looked over Joey and thought to myself, "you clearly messed up." I could see his eyes rolling through his eye lids. Could he going through what I'm going through? I mean that world did tell me we were both connected to darkness. Maybe he passed out because he was told Evil is going to strike? But wouldn't they tell me too?

Suddenly his eyes, bolt open. He breathed hard and loud. It's as if he came back from the dead, even though he wasn't dead. He turns to see me.

Kacey: ah your awake, Daniel will sure love that.

Joey: what happened?

Kacey: you collapsed and Daniel took you to bed. He's getting water for you.

Before he could ask me more, Daniel comes in with water and sees that Joey's awake. He's relieved.

Daniel: oh Joey, thank god your awake. I thought I lost you. Here.
He said giving Joey some water which was in a small glass. Joey drinks a bit of it and asked:

Joey: what happed to me?

Daniel: you were in the kitchen and you started feeling dizzy and then the next thing, you collapsed onto the floor.

Joey: that's weird, because I don't remember it happening.

Daniel: well you did hit your head pretty hard. Could be why.

I start to hear the voices again, they lead me to my room. The door closes and I hear them say:

"Now your alone in this room, perhaps we can tell you how to restore your fathers goodness."

Kacey: ok, I'm a believer. Tell me.

"You must travel back in time before your were born. You will encounter a group, that your father is in. We tell you how to help but you cannot interact with them or let them see you until we say it's safe."

Kacey: what happens if they see me when it's not safe?

"If they see you, it will mess up their heads, but that's only if they see your face, which is why we have decided to give you a mask."

Kacey: ok. How will I get there?

"We will take you there, be ready with your weapons at nightfall."

The voices left. I looked over to the place I hid the weapons. I looked around and carefully lifted the floor boards and took out the wooden box. I opened it and saw the weapons, I picked up the dagger of the last knight of Avalon. It's blade shone like the sun, it was so clean yet so bright, on the handle of the blade I could see ancient writing, which looked as if it could tell a story. I put it away quickly before anyone could see me. I put the box back, putting the floor boards on top of it. And then the rug.

I left the room and went downstairs.

There I saw Joey and Daniel watching a movie, Joey snuggled up on Daniel's chest and Daniel with his arm round him. He looked so chilled and happy, but knowing darkness is blackening his heart, I know he won't be like that for long. Soon Daniel falls asleep, leaving Joey awake, I was about to go but then Joey sees me. He gets up from the couch, and approached me. I started to feel nervous, so I went upstairs. But he followed. I started getting really nervous.

I went into my room, and hid in the closet. Praying that he will leave. Then I hear him say;

Joey: Kacey......come out, come out where ever you are.

Boy he sounded so creepy when he said that, looks like the other world was right, the darkness is blackening his heart.

Joey: come on Kacey, just wanna play.....*laughs creepily* don't have to be afraid. Hmm maybe she's in the other room....*laughs creepily*

I hear him leave, I get out the closet very quietly and sneak downstairs. I see Daniel on the couch, still not awake but yet he seemed to be in the same condition as Joey was just a few minutes ago. It was weird. The dogs seemed fine though but Storm looked rather frightened by something, he ran outside along with Wolf and Lark.

I don't understand why, till I see a message written on the window saying:

'Look Behind You.'

Author's Note:
Oh I just love a good cliff hanger don't you? Don't worry it's not the end yet, so be prepared for some strong language.

Bye! :)

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