Let me explain

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So some of you may be confused with where this story is going. And why Joey is suddenly crazy.

So, Joey has a connection towards darkness knowing when evil is going to strike and he has had it since he was born but after the age of 25 he forgets he has it. As it has left him alone but still remains in his soul. Which is why Joey doesn't get notified, it wants a new  fighter, which is why it has been notifying Kacey. (Like when she was in coma, and finds herself in that strange world and being told to gather five crystals as way of getting out was a test to see if she was worthy of a fighter).

As for Joey is has gotten to a point where he is loosing himself without knowing and is why he is suddenly treating Kacey like shit. (I mean let's face it, because before he was being nice to Kacey, after accepting her). The darkness in his soul is making him loose balance between good and evil. Which mostly explains why he did what he did to Kacey and why he forced Daniel into sex he didn't want. (I mean it makes sense, as evil is manipulating him without him knowing. Which explains why everyone around him are crumbling apart and eventually thinking to leave him).

As for Kacey, she is Joey's daughter by blood so in her blood she has the connection towards darkness, which is something she can't be disconnected from, even if Joey tried to. It is something they are both born with and something Kacey inherited.

It is in fact something that runs in Joey's family but has skipped several generations and came to Joey and his daughter Kacey.

Your probably asking, why is Daniel suddenly crazy? Well when Joey goes crazy, it slowly starts to infect those around him after a short period of time, which explains why Daniel keeps going crazy and normal constantly because Joey is infecting him with insanity. Daniel tries to fight it but soon it will take over. If Kacey fails to restore the goodness in Joey.

I hope this makes sense to what's going on. I'll be back with another update.

Bye! :)

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