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Kacey's POV:
I was about to leave but then, I feel a grasp on my wrist I turned around and saw it was Joey. He looked rather confused with what I had given him, so I explained:

Kacey: it's a  rabbit's foot, it's for good luck. My grandmother believes strange superstitions but however she believes these to bring good luck. Thought you might need it.

He gave a slight nod, and relaxed himself taking a little nap. That was close, for a second I thought he was going to snap at me or throw the rabbit foot at me and tell me it's bullshit or something.

Daniel comes to Joey with a liquid drink, more like a smoothie with a straw in it. Joey turns around and takes the cup from Daniel, slowly drinking the smoothie.

Daniel's POV:
I felt weird since what happened yesterday, it's odd. What more odd is Joey suddenly getting this ill when just yesterday he was fine. I saw Kacey had given him a rabbit's foot , saying it was for good luck. How thoughtful of her, maybe her and Joey's relationship might start to get better again.

I began to question Cat, wondering if Kacey could go back with her. That's if she's fully gotten help for her problems. I think she has, she seemed very emotional and had been missing Kacey.

I hoped Joey might improve maybe after he gets better.

Cat's POV:
It's been an hour since Kacey left. It felt like one minute. I'm worried about her, Joey can't just take her away from me like that. I need her back, I'm lonely here in this big house. I go into her room and see quite a lot of her stuff already gone and only few things remaining. I dusted her shelves which one had ornaments on them.

I had to do something or otherwise I would start to feel lonely. I don't like that feeling. Sometimes I wished Joey would give me a chance. Let me prove I can be a good mum to Kacey. Besides I did most the work in bringing her up.

I knew what to do.

Joey's POV:
I felt like shit. Why, why did I have to get thrush? Does the world hate me or something? Is this karma to how I treated my child? Probably is. I appreciate how much Daniel cares, he even brought me a smoothie knowing I can't have solids. How sweet is that.

I felt kinda guilty about things me and Kacey had went through in the past, even though I admitted it was my fault and I take full responsibility for it. I don't know if Kacey will forgive me but I hope once I'm better, she'll give me a second chance.

That's if she will, but I hope she will.

About a week later.....

Daniel's POV:
Joey was on the mend, he gradually began to eat solid foods again. And still he has the rabbit's foot. He hasn't let it out of his sigh since Kacey gave it to him, I'm guessing he believes she's cares and gave him another chance.

Kacey still herself, but however she had a change of hair. She sacrificed her long hair and cut it into a bob, which looked more like a long bob but it was lovely and suited her.

She has always been saying how she needed change so badly

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She has always been saying how she needed change so badly. She felt like cutting away the past. I still remembered the time when I caught her cutting her hair off in the bathroom.


I went upstairs to see if Kacey was alright, I entered her room and saw she wasn't there but saw her bathroom door was partly open, and that when I saw her cutting a lock of her hair off letting it fall into the sink. She then took a piece from the back and cut that off and placed it in the sink.

Daniel: Kacey what are you doing?

Kacey: what does it look like? I cutting the past away. I'm sick of this long hair, I look like a cat.

Daniel: it's crooked, let me take you to the salon and on the way, put a hat on or something.

I took her to a to the salon, the lady there was happy to help, and said Kacey got lucky that she didn't cut too much off, which gave her more length to work with. I saw her washing the hair through and then began to cut it and even it out, giving Kacey this long bob. It looked lovely when the lady dried it off.

I thought it was a fresh start and so did Kacey, I could tell she was very happy.

And boy how Joey reacted to it was a treat. He was like:

Joey: Kacey, what an earth? Why, you had such long hair. I mean it's nice and all but still.

Kacey: I needed to start over, I got sick of that long hair, made me feel like a messy cat.

Joey: whatever makes you happy, I guess.

End of flash back.

Joey sort of disproved of Kacey having the bob, I'm guessing he like her long hair more than she did. Who knows these days?

Joey's POV:
I'm still trying to get over Kacey having this short hair all of a sudden. It's just that I'm so used to her having such long hair but suppose the bob in some ways makes her hair look much more fuller and thicker. I will miss the old hair.

Cat on the other hand has been begging me to give Kacey back to her, but still I don't trust her. I even still have the rabbit's foot that Kacey has given me, I don't let it out my sight, it seems to have given somewhat good luck.

Two years later......

Kacey aged fourteen, still has a bob and left me and Daniel.

Author's Note:
So another update. Finally! Hope you all enjoyed it and hopefully I'll update soon.

Bye guys! :)

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