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In the unreal world.....

Kacey's POV:
I just retrieved the fourth crystal, now I face the final step of getting out this world, which is getting the final crystal, which goes into centre pot hole.

Kacey: now what do I do for the final crystal?

'You will solve the final riddle given, once you have a clue will be given of where you can find the final crystal.'

Kacey: then what's the riddle then?

'Your fifth and final riddle is; I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter but can't go out side. What am I?'

This had me think a lot. What has keys, but no locks? What has a space but no room? What can let you enter but not go outside? What is it? A pin pad? No that lets you outside. Um.....

Wait! Is it a keyboard!? It has keys, no locks, a space and lets you enter but doesn't let you out. It must be it.

Kacey: a keyboard.

'You are correct, now the clue of finding it is; lays here, but not near earth but near the contents above it.'

So the final crystal lays above the ground. I looked in the air, trying to see if there is anything in the trees. I looked at all the trees and noticed there was a string attached to each on, making a star. In the centre of the star was the crystal. I realised I had to cut the strings.

I pulled out one of my arrows, which cut through the strings holding thecrystal and down it fell, at my feet. I picked it up and saw it had a golden glow. I did it. I can get back to the real world.

I went to pillar and placed the final crystal in the centre pot hole. Something began to happen, all the crystal began to glow very bright, all forming a a streak of white light and down came a golden key.

I'm free. I grabbed the key and looked around for the gate. I held out the key north, east, south and west. West was where I felt it go into a lock, the gate appeared. I turned the key and the gate swung open, revealing fog and light ahead.

I walked through the gate and for the last time I hear the voice of the forest say;

'You have succeeded in the test of your strength. Your free to return to the other world. But you won't be the same as you return.'

Kacey: wait what do you mean?

I went into more light and fog then felt warmth and comfort. I then saw darkness, and smelt medicine.

In the real world....

I wake up, in hospital bed. I'm in hospital, all alone in this room. I saw tubes in my arms and machines around me. I looked under the cover and under the hospital gown and saw I had dressing round my front and back and then felt a spark of pain. I hurt my back and remembering Joey was the cause of it.

I looked around and then saw a nurse coming by and I said:

Kacey: excuse me, what happened?

She stood there in shock, her jaw dropped.

Nurse: oh my god! Doctor!

The doctor rushed in, looking completely surprised, that I have woken up.

Doctor: it's unbelievable, it's like she was on the brink of death and has suddenly come back to life.

Kacey: I'm confused. You thought I was dead?

Doctor: you looked dead and if you had died. We would have broken the news to your family. Now can you see how many fingers I'm holding?

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