Chapter one

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"Louis, honey, I dont know how much longer you can stay in the pack, everyone is starting to get suspicious as to why you never go out. Or why your smell is constantly changing." Jay, Louis' mother said after she had come back from lunch, bringing back some food for Louis and Cameron.

"I have nowhere else to go mum" Louis said, he was holding Cameron on his lap as his mother got the food out of a basket. She had always brought a basket of food back since Louis was pregnant.

"I know baby I know, I dont want you to leave either. You're my baby."

"I can't mum" Louis replied as he grabbed some food and bounced his knee, Cameron had started whining that he was hungry, but as soon as he saw the food in his fathers hand he stopped.

"You can, I heard of this very nice pack, two over. They accept almost everyone. The only thing is, Cameron, I don't know how you're going to get in without him being noticed."

"He is small, Im sure he will fit somewhere" Louis replied as he took a bite of the bread, giving some crispy bacon to Cameron.

"In his wolf form maybe, but you know how dangerous that is for him" Jay said, knowing that her grandson could die from switching in to his wolf form.

"I know, but there isn't another way" you see Cameron was born too early, a preemie, Liam recommended that Cameron not shift until the age of four. Where as most pups are supposed to learn to shift before they are a year old. It comes naturally, all that needs to happen is to see their parent shift in front of them, and they copy right after.

Cameron not being able to shift, also means Louis hasn't been able to shift in almost three years.

"I will send Liam and Niall will you two, I know they would leave anything for you, and especially for Cameron."

"I know they will, but I don't want to cause any trouble to them, they both love this pack."

"You wont cause them trouble, trust me, now start packing, I need you and my grand baby safe." Jay said as she grabbed Cameron who was still eating bacon, the only thing he loves more than his grandmother.

"Alright, I love you mum" Louis gave his mum a hug before he walked to his bed to get a backpack.

"I love you too baby, Ill miss you. Maybe one day we can meet up, yeah?" Jay smiled

"Yeah, yeah of course" Louis smiled back even though he knew that it was most likely not going to happen.
"Well be better start going." Niall said as he had just finished packing for him and Louis. Louis only could fit Cameron's clothes and toys in his bag as he also had the pup in there.

"Mum said its two down, East" Louis said.

The four began their journey to a hopefully new life.


"Im sorry you guys, I didn't mean for this to happen." Louis apologized as he and the two other males were walking through the dark woods. Every crack of stick underneath their feet would put Louis on edge, every odd howl making a shiver run down his spine, every moving animal making him jump.

They were crossing through non-marked territory, meaning the lone wolves were around. Lone wolves are those who have no pack, who are ruthless and would do anything for food. They invade packs often, in the hopes of getting food, mating, and becoming leader of the pack, the head Alpha.

A New Beginning (A/O/B  //L.S. )Where stories live. Discover now