Chapter two

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"Father, I do not want any female omegas." Harry argued as once again him and his father disagreed about which omega Harry should mate

"Well then what do you want? A male?" Harrys father, Desmond, asked incredulously

"Actually I do" Harry confirmed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You cannot do that, that is a... a disgrace" Desmond exclaimed

"Remember father, I am the head Alpha, I love you, but I can just as well ban you from the pack."

"This pack is going to go to shit if you mate with a male"

"I beg to differ, being mated to a male will not change who I am, it shall only make me stronger, I will not mate to a women. I will not mate to someone I don't feel a connection with."

"You pie-" He was cut off by Zayn walking though the door

"Haz" the raven haired man had started, only to spot Desmond and change his way of speaking "Oh I uh mean Alpha, there are three men wanting a meeting before breakfast, they want to join the pack"

"Oh alright, I best get ready then, Father, you are excused, leave now."

His father glared at him before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"You two are still arguing?" Zayn asked once the door had slammed shut

"Of course, Im this close" Harry used his thumb and index finger to show a little gap between them "To banning him, but I can't, he's my father, could you imagine how upset Mother would be at me. I can't do that to her."

"I know Haz, I know, but on the bright side, the three men that came, two of them are omegas. The only thing is, their smell, it smells like pup."

"Well you said only three were there, maybe they ran into a lone pup somewhere, or were with the pups at their other pack." Harry tried to come up with something reasonable since Zayn didn't see a pup with them.


Sitting in the empty office room that only contains a table and chairs, Harry waited for the three foreign wolfs to walk through the door.

When they did, Harry knew exactly what Zayn was talking about, they smell exactly like a pup, which is odd that the smell wouldn't have worn off yet.

And when they said that none of them were mated nor had pups, speaking for the one who they said wouldn't get out of bed as well, Harry did get a bit suspicious. But overall they seemed like genuine people, Harry thinks he can trust them, so he'll let them stay.

Mainly hoping that the short one would end up liking him, as he thought the short one was cute, and was attracted to him. From his voice, to his eyes, as well as that ass, and other than the overpowering pup scent, the short, blue eyed boy had an amazing scent.

Harry just hopes that this decision wont backfire on him.


Im going to be annoying, but.

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