Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Papa!" Cameron screeched when he saw his father, running towards the Omega and jumping into his arms.

Louis picked him up with a tiny grunt, the boy really was getting big for his small Omega stature to hold, he prepped Camerons face with kisses "Hi Cam, ready to go home"

Cameron looked up with gleaming eyes and asked "We make cookies there?"

Louis frowned and shook his head "Uh no we cant baby"

Cameron wiggled out of his grip and onto the floor, he stood with his arms crossed in front of him and a pout on his lips "Then me want to stay here"

"Cameron, we're going home" Louis said sternly

The stern voice however didn't make Cameron let up "No! Me want to stay"

Louis glanced around and noticed a few workers glance at them "You're causing a scene, come on"

The pup didnt care, he likes attention, so he laid back in his fathers arms and cried "no papa! Me want Ha-ee"


Cameron shook his head at his papa "No, Ha-ee!" he reached out to the Alpha.

"How about papa brings you over tomorrow for a little while, you and Anne can make cookies then?" Harry offered

Camerons eyes lit up and widened, he turned to his papa little lip jutting out "Pease papa?"

The Omega rolled his eyes "Fine alright, you go play for a second, I have to talk to Harry" Louis said glaring at the Alpha making Harry gulp. The pup nodded and wiggled down out of Louis'  arms and ran to where there was a stuffed pig and playing with it, making it fly through the air.

Once he realized his son wasn't paying attention to the adults anymore he hissed out "How dare you suggest that I bring him tomorrow! Now I don't get to have another day with him!" He accused shoving his index finger into the Alphas chest.

Harry held up his hands before removing Louis finger "Whoa whoa wait. You're the one who just dropped him off here without my knowledge, I didn't even know he was spending the night until he told me he was." It was quiet for a second Louis opened his mouth to speak but Harry cut him off "But if you want to spend tomorrow with him so bad, come around nine to noon. I wont be here then. You can just help or watch him bake with my mum. She hasn't done anything to you" He offered "Neither have I" He mumbled under his breath going completely unnoticed by the angry omega.

Louis gave  a curt not. "Thank you" the omega then called over his son and made his way to the door.

"Louis?" Harry called out before they left.

Louis groaned but turned around nonetheless"What now"

"Why are you mad at me?" The Alpha asked 

Louis stopped for a second, why was he? He really didn't remember. Harry had sort of kinda in a way said he was a bad father, but he knows that's not how the Alpha had intended for it come across. He settled on answering with a simple "because"

"Oh, okay" the Alpha sighed "Ill see you some other day, bye Cam!" he waved to the pup

Cameron giggled and waved back "Bye-bye Ha-ee"

"Oh Cam" Louis started once they were outside of the pack house. "Can we switch spots? I dont want to adult any longer." The adult Omega gave a pitiful laugh.

Cameron gasped and shook his head. "No papa! You my papa! Needs to be ad-adult"

Louis laughed at his sons reaction "oh alright"

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