Chapter Seven

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"So, since you are all part of the pack now, we have to hold a dinner, that way we can introduce you to the whole pack at once" The alpha commented one day as he was inspecting cabins.

"Im not"


"But Cameron"

All three boys spoke at the same time, then giving each other odd glances.

"Okay one at a time" the Alpha laughed

"Are you sure they are going to accept Cameron" Louis asked worrisome

"Well you see, thats not their choice. They can not accept it but they can't do anything about it. Next"

"So there will be food?" Niall asked

"Obviously stupid" Louis rolled his eyes, answering for the Alpha.

"And you Liam" Harry questioned, eyebrow raised

"Nothing now, I was going to ask about Cameron as well." Liam shrugged

*dinner party*

The dinning hall was filled, everyone from the pack was crammed in a one small little room. Well the room was big, when there isn't seventy-four pack members in it. The hall was also loud, everyone talking to each other, the two pups besides Cameron were running around, chasing each other, and screaming. It all made Louis feel a bit woozy, but that might just be the fact that soon all these peoples eyes were going to be focusing on him and his child, they might not appreciate new comers in their pack and want to kick them out.

"Okay, quiet. These are our four new pack members, I expect you to give them a warm welcoming" The Alphas voice boomed throughout the dinning hall, scaring a few in the crowd.

The members looked over the four new members taking in their appearance. Whispers started swarming around after a couple seconds. The whispers getting louder by the second.

"Whos his mate?"

"I don't see a bond mark"

"He does not have one"

"Is that his pup?"

"The pup should be killed"

"I agree, it's a disgrace"

"Enough!" Harry barked in his Alpha voice making the whole room go quite and omegas whimper. Cameron looked at Harry and made grabby hands for him. Harry happily took the pup and put him on his hip, before focusing his attention back onto the crowd of people.

"If I hear another bad word from any of you, you will be banned from the pack. Am I clear"

"Yes Alpha" the room chorused, some grumbling about it afterward.

"Great, resume eating"

The Alpha watched as everyone turned to their tables and began eating, before looking at the three that were stood next to him, and handing Cameron back to his father.

"Im sorry about that, they all seemed happy when I removed that law, but now..." Harry trailed off

"Its okay, Cam can't understand what they are on about, thats all I care about" Louis said rubbing his pups back as the toddler let out a yawn.

"So son, you let an unmated omega with a child into our pack. You aren't showing to be a very good Alpha." An unknown man said

"Without being here they would have died" Harry said his voice firm, the man was obviously Harrys father.

"You put the whole pack in danger by letting these things in" The Alphas father spat, gesturing to the four newcomers.

"They are doing absolutely no harm. And whats wrong with having another pup in the pack, look how cute he is." Harry said taking the child back into his arms.

"Say hi Cam" Harry said in a higher pitched voice

"Hi!" Cameron squealed waving his hand

"Mmm and is he an omega as well" the man questioned, a look of disgust on his face. you don't find out exactly what they are at 3, thats at 16, but you get a hint of what they are

"We wont know for another 6 months, hes only two right now" Louis butted into the conversation

"Watch him, he could disappear right from under your nose"

"Umm" Louis trailed off uneasily , because how do respond to someone you have just met like that

"Thats enough from you father, goodbye"


"Once again I am sorry, my father isn't a fan of me since he found out Im gay" Harry apologized for what seemed like the fifth time that night.

"Our old pack wasn't very fond of Liam being gay either" Niall laughed

"So we're just a bunch of gay dudes" The Alpha laughed

"Weird that came from an Alphas mouth, but I guess you're right" Liam commented with a shrug.


So I'm sorry I haven't been writing, Ive been in a down mood lately. But I decided to whip up a quick chapter because Im on my period and don't feel like doing anything else.

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