Chapter four

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Last chapter goal was not hit yet but... WE HIT 200 FOLLOWERS, thank you all who follow me soooo much, it means a freaking lot. We have gained 100 followers in less than a month. I love you all so much <3 I love you even if you don't follow me... but you should 😏


"Mama, where's Lou?" One of Louis' sisters had asked there mum a few days after Louis had left.

"He had to leave dear." Jay replied as she brushed through her daughters hair.

"He didn't say goodbye?" The little girl asked, voice laced with sorrow

"He left in the middle of the night, he would have loved to say goodbye to you, and let you play with Cam, but he couldn't" Jay explained now moving on to braiding the girls hair.

"Will we see him again Mama?"

"Hopefully love, hopefully."


"Where is that son of yours?" Jay once again heard the question, odd that they are just now realizing he's missing days after.

"He left" The mother had replied coolly

"Hmm, good" The man who was standing next to his wife, his wife having asked the question, responded before grabbing his wife and dragging her away.


"Mama, where is Lou, really?" Jays eldest daughter, Charlotte or Lottie for short, asked when the rest of the kids went to bed.

Jay sighed, she knew had tell her daughter, or she would figure it out on her own, it was easier this way "He had to leave"


"You know the law that you can't have pups without being mated"

Lottie nodded her head "Yes mama."

"And how you could never tell anyone about Cameron?"


"Some others were getting suspicious, so Louis had to leave, to keep Cameron safe"

"Where is he now mama?"

"Hopefully at a nice new pack"

"Will we really ever get to see him and Cam again?"

"I don't know, but I hope we do" Jay said, she knew there was only a five percent chance that they would see each other again, that is if Louis, Cameron and the other boys arrived to the pack safely and they allowed Cameron there.

"I hope so too"


Short chapter I know

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