Chapter Nineteen

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"Louis!" Niall yelled as he went and tackled his friend to the ground

"Liam, Niall. I missed you, we don't really talk much" Louis said, its true, they pass by each other sometimes, but one or the other is always occupied with something or someone else.

"You're too busy with Alpha" Niall said as he rolled his eyes

"Am not" the man denied

"Are too, but its okay, we like seeing you with someone"

"Okay we might talk but that doesn't mean we have any interest in each other, well at least he doesn't have interest"

"But you do"

"I can't deny that hes good looking"

"Well he is" Niall exclaimed, Liam playfully swatting him in the chest. "Oops?" Niall laughed

"When did this happen, I mean I knew yall had something going on but you were never this comfortable around each other"

"Eh I dont know. A month ago or summat"

"And you didn't tell me!" The older omega exclaimed

"As we said, you were busy. And its not like we're courting or dating. We just... fuck around here and there"

"Sometimes I wonder why you're the omega"

"I can be an omega and still be a fucking boss"

"I know you just. You don't give off omega vibes you know. Definitely not like Cameron"

"Where is he?"

"Hes with Harry his mum" Louis mumbled knowing what his friends were going to say

"But nothing is going on between you and Alpha at all?"



"There isn't I promise, hes a good friend. You're my friend and you're attractive but I wouldn't go fuck you. Now would I?"

"Well there was that one time" Niall reminded making Louis groan

"Shut up, we were both drunk."

"You slept together and I never knew about it?" Liam asked butting in

"Niall was afraid you'd be mad"

"Well yeah, I would be. Omegas aren't supposed to drink and you know that"

"But that rule is unfair"

"It can be, but you both know it lowers the chance of getting pregnant"

"I highly doubt thats ever been proven. Alphas are just possessive assholes who think they can run omegas and dont want them to drink because they want the omega to cater to their every move when theyre drunk."

"Excuse me"

"What?" Louis hissed

"Im an Alpha if you didn't know"

'This would be a good time for popcorn' Niall muttered under his breath. Low enough so neither of the arguing men would hear him.

"And you would have bitched at us if we told you we were drinking, wouldn't you"

"For your own safety"

"For your own safety" Louis mimicked. "I love you but you're so stupid, what would happen if I got drunk"

"You could be um" Liam trailed off, knowing that Louis got him there

"Yeah well that happens when both ends were sober as well, so your argument is invalid" Louis says, voice dropping from anger to slightly hurt

"Sorry" Liam apologized

"Its okay, Im sorry as well. Alpha and I have fights like this too but he gives in"

"Of course he does" Liam said rolling his eyes playfully

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Hes smitten for you Lou, you're just too oblivious to see it. But eventually one of you will come to your senses"

"Can we talk about something else please?" Louis asked

"Of course, how about the footie game that was on yesterday?"

Louis rubbed the back of his neck "I um I didn't watch it"

"What! Thats your favourite thing!" Niall exclaimed

"I was busy"

"With Alpha right?"

"Umm yes?"

"What do you two do all the time? Who watches Cameron?" Niall asked

"We do, we usually go down to the park or just by the river. We went to see a new movie the other day"

"Yeah which one?"

"Finding Dory, It was the only one I saw fit for Cameron to be able to watch"

"You should leave Cam with us one day so you two can fuck"

"Niall!" Louis yelled, cheeks tinting a pink

"Babe" Liam laughed shaking his head

"What?" Niall asked innocently


Its not the best but, its still an update right?

Sorry Im quite busy with school, Im on the verge of getting kicked out.

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