Chapter Twenty-Six

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A few months went by since the two made up and they honestly couldn't be better. Cameron was always ecstatic when he was spending the night with 'Ha-ee and Anne' he got even more excited when he would find out one of his Aunts was spending the nights with him.

Cameron was currently spending the day with Grandma Jay and Anne, the Luna and the other elder Omega had become friends since they joined , leaving Harry and Louis to do whatever they please

"I um... I uh have something to ask you" Harry asked, he was fiddling with his thumbs and chewing on his lip, Louis could tell he was nervous, it was quite obvious. It scared Louis a bit, he didn't know what was about to come, Alphas usually don't get so nervous.

The Omega hesitated a bit "Okay.. shoot"

It was now the Alphas turn to hesitate, he looked as if he were having an internal war. "Would you mind if uh- like I- would you um mind if I uh asked if I could uh court you?" He shut his eyes tightly after asking the question scared of what Louis would say.

Louis grinned "Not at all. Go ahead"

"May I uh... court you?"

"Of course. Ive been waiting for this" Louis laughed

"Really!" The Alpha exclaimed, he rushed forwards the little ways that Louis was from him, grabbed him by the waist and twirled him in the air.

Louis laughed again at the Alphas antics waiting until he was on the floor again to start speaking "Yes you idiot. I always thought that this feeling was one sided, that we could never be together anyway because Im a male.. I cant be luna." He mumbled the last part a bit ashamed.

"Good thing its mutual. And why not? I think you're plenty fit to be luna." The Alpha frowned. He never wants his Omega to put himself down.

"I already have a son and Im a male. A dick is what I have." Louis said as if he were Dr. Seuss. He didnt like the Alpha being upset so he was trying to lighten the mood. To his dismay the Alpha frowned even more.

"Neither of those things matter, as long as you're an omega and promise to protect the pack then you're set... you would protect the pack and do whats best for them... right?" He had to make sure. Couldnt have a luna who wouldn't protect the pack.

Louis gave a small smile and nodded "Of course, not only do I love most of the people here, my family is part of this pack. I will always protect the ones I love"

Harry grinned so big Louis was afraid that his face would split in two "See already perfect Luna and we have just started with the courting."

Louis shoved Harrys shoulder "Oh shut up and let me go see my baby."

Harry shook his head "Mum said shes never giving him back. Said he was too cute to let go."

"Well if this courting goes anywhere she'll be living with him and get sick of us."

Harry frowned "Thats not true, she loves the both of you."

Louis scuffed "When we're not around twenty-four seven."

The Alpha shrugged "She'd love you even if you were attached to her hip. You're presence is amazing." Its true, being around Louis is like a breath of fresh air, drinking coffee in the morning to energize yourself. Your days going shit but then you get that cup and you suddenly feel better and have energy. Or hes like the sun, the sun shining on your face on the coldest of cold days and keeping you warm. And Camerons the same, a little ball of sunshine that keeps you going throughout the day.

"To you" Louis laughed

"To everyone."

"That is a lie. You take it back you big oaf!" Louis said as he tried tackling the Alpha

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