Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Louis had just walked out of the bathroom, he just finished giving his daughter a bath after she rolled around in some mud while she was in wolf form. He didn't even get a seconds break when he heard the pitters of feet running towards him and a tattling child. "Papa! Haley took my favourite pen" Cameron exclaimed, roughly bumping into his sister.

The little girl shook her head and pouted, tears threatening to spill "I didnt papa, Cammy lying!"

Cameron let out a little growl "You little beast. I am not. Look at her tongue it got the purple ink on it. She was chewing on my pen."

Louis shook his head as he listened to his children bicker , he bent down to his daughters height and put his thumb on her chin, "C'mon Haley open up" he coaxed. Hesitantly the girl opened up her mouth, sure enough there was a splotch of purple on her tongue.

Louis let go of the girls chin and she closed her mouth, he shook his head in disappointment making the little girl whimper, "Now Haley, not only do you know stealing isn't nice, but putting things that dont belong in your mouth in there isnt good either. Better hope you dont get sick."

Cameron glared "I hope you do. Karmas a bitch" he swore

Louis gasped at the choice of his sons words and gave him a quick swat to the butt making the young omega whimper "Cameron! You are nine years old, you will not start swearing until you are at least sixteen"

"But 'ollo can swear"

Louis shook his head "Thats his parents' choice, mine and your fathers choice is that you will not be swearing. Now wheres you pen?"

The glare returned to the boys face "Haley has it still"

Louis extended a hand out "Haley give me your brothers pen." The girl tentatively put the purple pen in her papas hand.

"You wont get this for two days for swearing. And you my dear are going in the corner for stealing and putting it in your mouth. After we clean up your mouth."

"But papa" Haley whined stomping her feet.

"No whining. If you dont like the corner than you dont be naughty." The adult chastised

At that moment Harry decided to show up "Okay. E and Alex are down for their nap." He spoke, not even realizing that there was another problem at hand right in front up him until his mate let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank goodness you're here. Can you please go brush Haleys tongue. She put Camerons pen in her mouth and it must have exploded. Then shes going in the corner for eight minutes." Louis said as he gave his daughter a push over to her father who grabbed her hand and began walking to the bathroom. "You naughty girl. Lets go"

the pup whined again "I dont want to daddy" she tried stopping them by digging her feet into the carpet. Though that did not work out. Harry picked her up with ease and placed her on his hip.

"Thats not my problem." He replied and carried on to the bathroom.

Still in the hall Louis sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. "Cameron come here." He called to the boy who was being to retreat away.

Cameron stopped and turned around with a pout on his lips. "I didnt do anything"

Louis gave him a smile and opened his arms. "I just want a cuddle for old times sake. I miss you being an only child."

Cameron smiled and ran over to his dad sitting down in between his legs and letting his dad hug him. "Me too." Me muttered

Louis laughed "I wouldn't have it any other way though"

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