Chapter five

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"Cameron" Louis sighed as his son wouldn't eat the peas he had brought back for him.

"Papa" the pup mimicked

"You have to eat this" The father said as he tried to get his son to eat off of the spoon.

"No!" Cameron shouted  "No want Papa!"

"Shh don't shout, we dont want anyone hearing you baba" Louis said quickly covering his sons mouth

"Why" Cameron mumbled through his fathers hand

"We just dont"


"Cam stop" Louis sighed

"Why" the small pup had asked once again, okay so maybe he was getting into his 'why' stage.

Louis groaned "Ughh you annoying little shit"

"Shh-" Cameron said

"Yeah shh"

"Shit, shit shit!" Cameron started chanting

"No, no, no thats a bad word only papa's can say that, not little boys like you" Louis rushed, he couldn't believe he got his son to swear

"Me say it" Cameron insisted






"Cameron, if Papa doesnt say it you dont say it okay, Louis just dont swear in front of him" Liam said as he walked into the small kitchen, having listened to the two bicker from the couch


There was a little while of silence, Louis finally getting Cameron to eat a small bite of peas.

"Shit!" Cameron yelled, spitting peas all over and breaking the silence.

"Cameron!" Louis scold

"Sorwy" Cameron apologized sheepishly

"By the way Louis, the Alpha wants to talk to you, says you intrigue him" Liam once again spoke up

"Really?" Louis asked, the Alpha had been asking for him the whole week they have been there.

"Yep, maybe you two will mate" Liam said in all seriousness

"Liam, that is the funniest thing you have ever said" Louis faked laughed and slapped his knee

"What was so funny about it" Liam questioned honestly confused

"Me Louis, who had to leave his other pack because he is mateless with a child, mating with the Alpha of his new pack, meaning he would be Luna. When have you ever heard of a male Luna."

"Actually it has happened twice before" Liam pointed out

"Really?" Louis questioned, although he really doesn't want to be Luna, he just never knew it actually happened before, he thought that was like ban or something

"Yeah, but that was during the times where gay was not as easily accepted and the Luna's were killed"

"Really?" Louis squeaked out, voice a few octaves higher.

"Yeah but if the Alpha and you actually do mate, don't worry."

"The thing is Liam, I always wanted to like the man I mate, but I dont really care currently, because the sooner I mate, the sooner Cam can be outside, and free and out of harms way. The first person to say that they want to be my mate will be"

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