Chapter nine

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"Alpha?" Louis knocked on the Alphas office door, which was slightly open anyway but Louis didn't want to intrude on Harrys privacy.

"Yes?" The curly hair Alpha asked

"I was wondering if you knew what cabin Cara and Kendall are in?"


"I took Cameron out the other day and bumped into Cara, and Cam and her son got along well" Louis explained

"Very well, Cabin 5"

"Thank you Alpha"

"S'okay" Harry mumbled not looking up from the book his nose was buried in. Louis nodded and walked out of the room, brows furrowed, wondering what got the Alphas knickers in a twist.


"I miss me mum, and sisters, and Ernie" Louis sighed

"Well you left your family, thats expected" Louis had been happy, but yet sad since he switched packs, and Cara was like a therapist in a way. So every time he was having an exceptionally down day, he would talk to Cara, just usually its at his cabin and not hers.

"Liam and Niall left their families too and never say anything about them." The short man pointed out

"We're they close to their families?" Cara asked

"Not really I guess, they were always over at mine helping with Cam"

"Well you can't really miss someone too much if you never spent time with them anyway, can you?"

Louis shrugged "No I suppose not"

"You'll see your family again, I promise" Cara promised with a reassuring smile

"How are you so sure?" Louis questioned

"I just know, trust me on this"

"I trust you on anything" Louis smiled

Cara scuffed "I trust you on nothing" she said causing Louis to smirk and let out a small laugh

"Probably a good thing"

"I did trust you, until you freaking lied to me about where you and Kendall were"

"She didn't want me to tell you" Louis argued

"You didn't have to say you were fucking her you dick"

Louis stopped laughing and looked at his friend "Honey Im gay, I don't like vagina" the man said, cringing at the word

"Yeah well that wasn't the first thing that ran through my head" The woman mumbled

"At least you got a good date out of it" Louis winked.

"And another pup"

"Really!" Louis exclaimed

"Yeah, can you not smell my scent change?" Cara asked, brows furrowed in confusion, the whole pack knew, even the pups, they wouldn't jump on her anymore.

Louis shrugged "I don't have the best nose love"

"Oh, sorry, I feel its going to be a girl this time"

"I hope, I love the boys but thats all they have in this pack" Louis said causing the two to laugh


Sorry this was a kinda a blah chapter, I just have started a new book that I really love writing so Im writing that.

Im not posting it until it's completely finished. I plan on it having around 120-140 chapters.

Today, a school near me got a threat call. All the kids were evacuated to a nearby church, later being picked up by busses and brought home. They will still go back tomorrow.

The scariest thing is, we live in a very, what would you call it? Secluded? Area. Its not a place that people just come to. Most people know everyone. And the fact that there was a threat call. It was such a bad call, the school district and the police station won't tell anyone, not even parents, what the threat was.

We're terrified that its going to spread to other small schools around it, which one is the school my brother goes to.

The school that was threatened today, my friend and some cousins go to. Its so freaking terrifying. How could someone threaten children like that? What if they wouldn't have evacuated the school, would the person have went through with the threat? Would all those kids have been killed? If so how could you kill all those innocent kids? The call was directed towards the elementary school, but they evacuated both that and the high school for precautionary measures.

Okay rant is over, it just really bugs me that humanity is so heartless.

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