Chapter eleven

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It has been several days since Cameron has gone missing. Louis was an absolute wreck, Niall staying out of the search to comfort Louis, who had become ill and unable to look for his son any longer. There is absolutely no lead on where he could have went, Harry suspects that a lone wolf may have gotten him, or he had wondered away from Louis and fell into the river and got swept away by the strong current.

He would never tell Louis his suspicions though, the boy had already became weak because of his son going missing, and telling him that there probably isn't any hope would kill him, literally. Cameron is Louis' world, he couldn't imagine life without him.

Half of the pack is looking for the boy, most omegas and others who were rude staying behind. Cara had been bringing Apollo over to Louis' cabin to hopefully help him feel a bit better, but all Apollo does is ask where Cameron is. Louis wishes he would have been watching him closer, wishes he knew what happened to him.


"I don't think he's out here Alpha" Liam commented when they took a short lunch break

The Alpha slowly nodded  "I just don't want to tell Louis that his pup is gone forever"

"I don't either, its already actually killing him because he thinks he's temporarily missing, he'll kill himself if he finds out Cams forever gone, it will eat him alive. Niall said he hasn't eaten since, only a bite of banana the day after."

The Alpha shook his head and began searching once more, this time traveling beyond the packs boundaries to look for the young pup.


This is an extremely short chapter, its more like a filler chapter. Sorry

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