Chapter fourteen

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"Fifteen minutes! If any one of you has problems with my rules you can come right up and join him" Harry called.

Most stayed but an older mated couple walked up, noses in the air. Those were the two that would always make sure that Harry dressed posh, which to him it made him look like a baby potato.

Louis' eyes widened when the couple walked up, they were willing to get killed because of him. Cameron was blubbering nonsense into his ear. It was all getting so much. When the Alpha had announced that there was three minutes left, Louis took off, he ran down to the park with Cameron in his arms.

He couldn't take it anymore, knowing three people were getting killed because of him, just because he is too weak to defend himself, too ugly and dumb to get a mate.

"You otay papa" Cameron asked as he used his little hands to wipe Louis' tears.

Louis nodded "Im okay baby"

"Why you cryin'?"

Louis gave his son a small smile, this child was just too sweet and cute, he couldn't help it. "Just overwhelmed"

"Ovawheelmd?" Cameron tried

"Overwhelmed, so much is happening at once, Im okay baby, I promise."

"Otay papa, I play?"

"You go play" Louis said as he set his pup on the ground lightly patting his bum as a gesture to run along

Cameron ran a little ways before stopping and turning back to Louis "You play too?"

A loud "now!" Echoed throughout the woods, making Louis wince.

"In a little while okay?" Louis shook his head

"Otay" the pup made his way to the sand box and began playing in it, Louis watching him closely, he doesn't want him to get too dirty, and Cameron has a tendency to throw the dirt on his head.

"Louis?" A voice said making Louis quickly look over to who it came from, relaxing when he saw it was only Cara and Apollo


Cara sat down next to him "You ran away"

"I just got overwhelmed"

"With what" Cara asked as she watched her son make his way over to the other pup

"The execution"

"I never liked those either, it's awful"

"I caused it this time" Louis said turning his head to look at his friend

Cara furrowed her eyebrows "You didn't cause it Lou, why would you think that"

Louis sighed before explaining "I had Cameron because I was too weak to defend myself, which then forced me to leave my pack and join this one, if I didn't join this one Cam wouldn't have been taken and three people wouldn't have died today."

"You got Cameron out of that, a very smart and handsome boy, if people don't like that you guys are here then they don't need to be here, they've never met you, if people would actually get to know you they would love you, you're too sweet not to like"

"Thank you love" Louis thanked as he hugged his friend

"No problem babes, I love you"

"I love you too C"


This was a short gross chapter, but I really didn't want to write about the execution but wanted to give an insight to how Louis feels about it. I hope it was good enough.

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