Get to know me

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1) Name: Allie

2) Height: 5'3 ft

3) weight: 105 lbs

4) Age: Fifteen

5) Birthday: August ninth

6) Girl BFF: None

7) Boy BFF: None

8) Favourite food: ummm, this is the hardest freaking question. Im just going to put a meal so that I can put all my favs in it.
Medium well steak, onion garlic potatoes, fresh green beans and asparagus, pineapple and apple.

What I actually eat is noodles all the time.

9) Last text: I dont know, I dont text people. My friend I do have, who I have mentioned, we use snapchat and we dont talk all too often.

10) Battery percentage: 67%

11) Eye Colour: Green

12) Addiction: Watty

13) Favourite Song: Theres a lot to choose from, but Im still obsessed with If I Could Fly

14) Favourite Animal: Dog and Penguin

15) Favourite Colour: Blue

16) Shoe Size: U.S. 6-7

17) Pets: A dog, his name is Shamrock but I call him poopers. Two bunnies, Boog and Tulip. And a calf called ram.

18) Plan on getting married?: Of course

19) Favourite subject: It was supposed to be Spanish because Im obsessed with the language. But my teacher only talks in Spanish and all the assignments are only in Spanish so I have no idea what Im doing, so its not very fun.

20) First kiss: Never had

21) Insecure: Absolutely

22) Ever self-harmed: Yep (a few years ago, not anymore)

23) Hair colour: dirty blond/ brown

24) Relationship status: The singlest girl you will ever meet.

25) Last song you heard?: Paw Patrol theme song

26) Favourite show: I dont watch much TV, but I like project runway and the food channel.

27) Favourite movie: Peter Pan

28) Middle Name: Paige

29) Worst Habit: Picking my nails

30) Number of siblings: 1 1/2 (my brother and a half brother.)

31) Talents: Im double jointed, and I can draw-ish

32) Future career choices: Either Artist, photographer, or writer. Theres possibilities of Cosmetology

33) Do you believe in love or soulmates : Yes, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to believe in Larry

34) Pet Peeve: Loud chewers, talking with your mouth full, putting hands in chips bags that others have to ear out of, and when people bug you more after you ask them to stop.

35) Current mood: dreading going to class in a couple minutes

36) Obsession: Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson together.

37) Night or Day: Both?

38) Are you currently happy: I guess, I mean I want friends and another dog but thats okay, so yeah I guess.

39) Ever done drugs: Nope, definitely cant smoke anything Im allergic to something in cigarettes (I forgot what it is) and I have a bad heart and lungs.

40) Jealous type: I dont know, but probably

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