The End/Thanks

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Note at the end in bold. Please at least read that.

And thats it. Thats the end. Its nearly been a year all because of my like 8 month break. I just lost interest in this book and didn't want to just leave it unfinished so thats why it ends quite fast.

Either way thank you all for your support on this book, I finished it because of you guys, I know how annoying it is to find a book begin reading it and then it just cuts off because they stopped writing it. I don't want to be one of those people. So I hope you are okay with the book ending abruptly rather than not being finished. You are free to imagine whatever you want to happen next. You can imagine if Apollo (who I actually forgot about) and Cameron end up together when they get older. Anything beyond the ending point is up to imagination as Im not doing a sequel.

Again thank you guys for your support on this story, during my break from it I had people messaging me if I was going to continue it and if I needed ideas. Which I always gratefully took but didnt use much of, I knew where I wanted this book to go just didnt know how to write it, which I still dont think I achieved.

It surprises me how many people actually enjoy my books because to me they're shit. I forget what I was writing half the time, my mind is just one big jumble because I just try writing every thought down so that I dont forget it but then the work gets to jumbled and I dont know much about the things I write about like I write them living in England all the time, I dont know shit about England so its always incorrect information and it gets so annoying. I dont think my writing is anywhere near as good as other writers on here, theres a reason I keep failing my English classes. Lol.

So to see people enjoy what I write makes me so happy yet so confused. But seeing what progress can be made throughout a year is actually amazing. It doesnt even feel like its been that long. Its my (I think) 3rd year on this Wattpad account. Ive had others but not for Larry. I only started writing on here a little over a year ago and the progress this account has made amazes me, the people I met through them messaging me about the books are incredible and sweet.

Now in real life Im not actually all about Larry, I couldn't actually care less if they were together, I just want them to be happy with whoever they're with and for their partner to be a wonderful person. If they're together thats great, they still share that really, if they're not, thats cool I hope they're still happy. I don't know, I felt so bad when I stopped being a Larrie so much, but then its also much more relieving because I don't feel constant sadness when I see them having to stunt. I feel sad but... I don't know, I just don't feel as sad you get me?

Now this has gone way past the final thanks for this book, if you read it all, you're the real mvp.

Love you all,

Much love- Allie


Ive decided to leave this app. If they ever get their heads out of their asses I may come back.

I hate the update and the logo. But most importantly I cannot read anything anymore.

I dont have good eyes and certain colors make me sick, like the bright orange is giving me headaches because my eyes try focusing on that. And for some reason my words are all grey except when theyre bolded and my eyes wont allow me to read that.

This app, tho was amazing at one point, spiraled down and I do believe they let getting known go to their heads after stories started to be recognized. They used to recommend small authors and stories and that doesn't even happen any more.

Its sad really, an app that bought me joy for so many years is now going so down hill that I have to part ways with it.

This app was my free time and my get away place and it saddens me so much that Im no longer able to use it.

Thank you for all your kind words and support throughout the years. We were so close to 1000 followers as well.

Thank you for the enjoyment and happiness you brought me in my dark times. I appreciate it.

Update: I now use my laptop which Ive discovered has the old version of Watty still on it! So im baaaaaccckkk
I love you all. -Allie

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