Chapter Twenty-Nine

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On the fifth week since Harry left, marking at a little over a month of him not being home. Louis' mating mark finally cooled down. A sense of relief washed over him. He didn't know if the bond was finally breaking or if his Alpha was okay and near to home. Only time would tell. But right now the pain was gone and he could finally breathe.

That didnt last all day however. Random spurts of pain would kick in more intense than ever before, but still much better than constantly being in pain. He was on edge all day, shaky hands, and a jumbled mind. He had put the wrong clothes on some of his kids and continuously dropped things. Cameron being the good child that he is was there to help his father, after all he was nine, hes learning about mating and bond marks. He knows his father must be in pain, he knows that his dad could be lying dead somewhere and the bond was breaking. He could see his fathers bond mark changing colors throughout the day. He prayed that it wouldnt fade, that it would go back to its normal dark purple colour with its hints of red in it.

Every time Louis let out of cry of pain Cameron was there to comfort him, bringing frozen foods to cool down the mark when it heated back up.

Cameron finally got sick of seeing his father go through continuous ups and downs throughout the day. "Papa? Why dont you switch" the pup knew that the waves of pain would lessen in wolf form. Hes learnt that wolves have a much higher pain tolerance than humans.

Louis gave his son a grateful smile but shook his head "I need to take care of all of my pups"

"I can take care of Haley and Opal for a little while. The other two can switch with you"

"Are you sure you can handle that?" Louis questioned. He didn't want to have his son stress.

Cameron rolled his eyes "Yes papa"

"If anything gets out of hand you find one of your grandmothers or your aunts okay?"

"Yes papa"

"Thank you my big boy" Louis kissed the top of the child's head before stalking off to another room to switch into his wolf form.


"Papa?" Cameron called two days later. His father was currently sitting in the grass and letting the breeze hit his fur. His two youngest children doing the same.

The wolf looked towards the boy
"Haley and Opal want to play on your back"
Louis made a grunt and laid down on the ground. "Yay!" The two girls cheered. Jumping onto their fathers back and waiting for him to get up. "Up papa up!" Opal giggled

"Careful Opal. Papa doesnt feel good. Remember." Cameron reminded.

"Right" the girl leaned down and whispered "up papa up"

Louis looked at his eldest son and rolled his eyes before getting up making Cameron giggle.


Harry lamely walked towards the pack house.

Hes greeted by the sight of his mate sitting in front of the house in his beautiful white wolf form. As soon as Louis saw it was his mate he jumped up and pranced over to Harry jumping on him. It had been a week since Louis first switched to his wolf form.

"Hi baby" Harry greeted.

Louis was whimpering and licking his Alphas face. "As much as I love your wolf, change so I can actually kiss you." The wolf huffed and licked the Alphas mouth making the Alpha wrinkle his nose and wipe his lips. Kisses were a lot more slobbery when they came from a wolf.

As Louis switched Harry took of his shirt and handed it to his mate so he wouldnt be nude. The Alpha had a vest on under his T-shirt and although it had stains all over it Louis had no problem jumping on him.  "Oh Alpha! Ive missed you so much! I thought you were gone for good"

Harry held onto his mate, burying his face into the side of his mates neck. "Ive missed you too love. And my puppies!" He broke he hug with his mate, keeping one arm around him and crouched down spreading his other arm out so he could hug his children.

The two youngest crawled to him babbling nonsense the only legible thing coming out of their mouths was dada. The twin girls giddily jumped into their dads arms careful of their papa who had the babies in his arms.

Louis felt content once again. Harry, however feeling content, frowned when he noticed a missing child. Looking to his right he saw Cameron standing with his head hung down and was picking at his thumb. "Come on Cam" Harry called making the pups head snap up.

Cameron kicked his foot in the grass a bit and clasped his hands behind his back. He gave a shrug. "Thought I should let them see you first"

Harry brought his arm away from his daughters making them whine and nuzzle into him further. He held out his hand which Cameron shyly took. Harry pulled the pup into the hug with everyone else.

"You're my baby too. Always will be" harry mumbled into the pups hair.

After a few minutes of the hug everyone slowly backed away to do something else. Harry waited until everyone was off of him  "Um does anyone happen to know where Liam is?" He asked. Cameron nodded and ran to get the doctor.

"No. Are you hurt? Lets get you inside"  He could see that the Alphas arms were all gouged up but none looked infected. They already looked to be healing. He couldnt see any other part of the mans body because of his clothes.

Harry shrugged "I just want him to check if theres any infection."

"I want to see" Louis whined setting his pups down and tugging at the Alphas clothes.

Harry grabbed the Omegas hands a placed gentle kisses on them. "I dont want you to see"

"I want to see tho"

"Louis I said no"

"Sorry" louis whimpered

"Its fine baby. I just dont want you or the pups to see"

"Its that bad" Louis asked biting his lip in worry

Harry shook his head "Ive got lots of Omegas on my hands love. With your caring and nurturing side two scratches would look awful. No?"

"You're right. So youve got more than two scratches?"

The Alpha chuckled "yes baby"


Harry had infection in his left leg. Luckily it was caught before it spread further. His leg also had a fracture so Liam put a cast on it for safe measures, he knew that the couples kids were going to be jumping all over their father after not seeing him for over a month.


The family was all in the living room, they had just finished a game of candy land. Harry was laying on the couch asleep and each of the pups were sleeping on top of him and Cameron beside him tucked safely under his arm. Louis smiled at the sight before grabbing the two babies and moving them to their cribs in the couples bedroom. He then grabbed the two girls and put them in his and Harrys bed. Once again going back to the living room he woke up his mate and asked him to carry Cameron to their room. The Alpha tiredly nodded and made his way to his room.

By the time louis got back to his and Harry's room the three pups were once again cuddled up to their father.

Yeah. Louis is most definitely happy and content.


Its not finished but Im leaving wattshit so I thought I should post the last chapter.

-update I now use my laptop which has the old version of wattpad so Im baaaaaackkkk

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